Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2017


Q&A:The Mythic Plus Community Site

The Mythic Plus Community Site

Why did you make it?

Well that’s a good question. I know that it’s something that is needed and could be used. The site offers everything that players in the game would need to effectively connect with others for mythic plus networks.

How are you going to make it successful?

I’m going to do everything I can to promote it even if that means sacrificing my own homepage and move the stream over to zinrockin.tv/live (great show btw haHa).

I am currently writing about it on reddit, talking about it on twitter, I’ve shared it on several discord servers, begun posting the link to it in-game, and when I get into doing some mythic plus runs tonite I will be sharing it with folks in my group to make sure they sign up and get going.

How long do you think it’s going to take to get the social network up and running?

I don’t know!

You weren’t expecting that answer were you? Yeah coming from the guy who built the whole thing you’d think I’m some master-mind but I’m not. However, what I can tell you is that it will be a while because right now I am the only one who realizes the potential this website has to improve the quality of the mythic plus community in the game.

Why didn’t Blizzard Entertainment make something like this first? It seems to just make sense right?

You have to understand that any large organization such as Blizzard Entertainment has to go through a large variety of processes to get things done. This means such things take time. While this site may in the future become obsolete I’d hope that you can enjoy it in the mean time. If at some point enough people are using the website I will offer it up for acquisition by Blizzard Entertainment so that everyone in the game can use it.

Think of it like this, you may be using the Unofficial Sub-Alpha version of an effective and enjoyable utility.

You sound so optimistic, given the lack of success for such a great idea… why is that?

Good things take time. While I have shared this with some more prominent members of the World of Warcraft community they have not responded nor show any interest in it. Which is very unfortunate because the potential this site has if only even just a hand full of people start using it will become blindingly obvious.

You gotta stay positive in the face of illogical and unreasonable resentment. The fact is that this is a good idea and it will work.



Editor for

I’ve been a member of the World of Warcraft community since 2008. I write articles related to gaming and technology.