Tips For Streaming and Content Creation

Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2017

Make a Plan:

Time management is probably the most important aspect of being a good content creator. It’s easy to say you’re going to do something it’s another thing to do it. Set a daily schedule where you have two instances scheduled in to do something. For example, I have my blog which I write every morning and if I can’t get it done before I leave the house then I have a time at noon to complete it over my lunch period at work.

Have Good Topics:

Write about stuff that you know people are interested in talking about. How do you do that? It’s really simple, you just talk with people and start taking notes and restating what other people say to other people and once you start finding a largely agreed to position on things then you can make a video addressing those things.

Don’t Let It Take Over Your Life:

You’ve got to make a living and if your career requires you to take more time to focus on that then I’d encourage you to notify your followers of the circumstances and do what you gotta do. Folks are pretty understanding and if you are transparent and show there is no way for you to find the time even with your accountable time-management skills then it is what it is.

Forget Going Viral:

Most likely you’re not going to be a successful content creator. It’s easy to blame everyone for this but lets face it; folks are oblivious to what you are doing because visibility on the internet is limited unless you are already well established or well off enough to afford the money for advertising.

This goes back to the idea of accepting the things you cannot change in order to change the things you can. Also I’d like to add that if you know someone who is successful it is good if you don’t blame them for not assisting you. I personally believe that you can have friends who are well off without using them. If you can do that it shows you have better character than most people.



Editor for

I’ve been a member of the World of Warcraft community since 2008. I write articles related to gaming and technology.