Digital Adoption In The Corporate World In 2022

Soham Sharma
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2022
Digital adoption and digital transformation
Digital Transformation — Ziplyne

As we begin our 2022, it is becoming abundantly clear that digitization is the name of the game. Tons of businesses in the corporate world are looking at digital adoption at scale to automate most of the processes and activities.

Doing so becomes crucial as your business grows because you build a larger customer base, and it can become incredibly challenging to provide personalized value to each customer.

Today, we have a bunch of digital adoption solutions for employee onboarding, customer onboarding, employee training, and much more. Some of the best digital adoption solutions on the market include Ziplyne, Whatfix, WalkMe, and so on.

What Is Digital Adoption?

A workplace or environment is said to have incorporated digital adoption when the user can use tools like apps, programs, software, etc., to their full capacity. You need digital adoption for two main reasons:

  • Simplifying customer onboarding and helping customers access company products and services with ease.
  • Making employees’ work processes more efficient.

The Advantages Of Digital Adoption

Here are some essential benefits of digital adoption:

  • Increased Customer Satisfaction Rates

Thanks to digital adoption, there is easy access to information, which means customers do not have to put in the time or effort to sift through information in search for tangible solutions. Digital adoption helps solve problems for customers, thereby increasing their satisfaction rates drastically.

  • Improved Efficiency & Productivity

A digital adoption solution helps employees carry out processes in much fewer steps, saving them a lot of time and trouble. This helps employees focus on more demanding and complex tasks. In other words, companies stand a higher chance of maximizing their Return on Investment (ROI) with solutions like these.

  • Increased Innovation & Improved Employee Experience

Another benefit of incorporating a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) is the fact that employees now have more time to think out of the box and work creatively. Having nifty tools like these at their fingertips can help employees enjoy their time at the workplace, which is vital for companies to function properly.

  • Increased Customer Retention

Ultimately, your goal as a company is to retain customers consistently. However, in today’s digital world, customers expect top-notch service and attention. This becomes particularly difficult as you grow your business because you draw in more customers who need your support.

A digital adoption solution can help take care of this. As mentioned earlier, you can provide all your customers with personalized support and experience, which translates to higher customer satisfaction rates. In other words, you stand an excellent chance at retaining your customers consistently using digital adoption.

Digital Adoption Trends In 2022

Visual trendline
Trendline — visual

If you are wondering what exactly is driving digital adoption in 2022, here are a few trends you should know:

  • Training Accessibility

Today, with the number of employees and customers that businesses have, on-demand training is necessary. The days of long-form documents are over. Today’s web-based training needs to help employees learn the tools and navigate different processes with ease, without looking for further instruction or assistance.

  • Enhanced Employee Experience

As discussed above, it is all about employee experience. Employee experience is a crucial part of digital adoption because it is primarily about how employees react to change. As companies focus on employee experience, they have to come up with strategies and processes to help employees learn best.

These include:

  • Showing the employees what they stand to gain from change. In other words, the why of what you are doing.
  • Making it easy for employees to learn and retain information.

However, according to McKinsey, employees only retain about 10% of the information they get. So, if you want to maximize information retention, you will have to get employees to remember the information they get through doing.

How Do You Build A Digital Adoption Strategy?

Strategic appearance of chess pawns

Here are a few things you should keep in mind as you build a digital adoption strategy:

Get employees interested and onboard. The first step involves getting your employees comfortable and into the idea of new software or tool.

Give your employees time to navigate the software. Employees will need time to get used to the software, its features, and everything else that comes with it. You can further this process by providing your employees with a product tour, walkthrough, on-screen guidance, and so on.

Give your employees content in their preferred formats to help them get used to the software faster. This could be infographics, videos, blog pieces, and so on.

Consistently check with your employees to see if they have access to software updates and find out how far along they have come. It is vital to track their progress, especially in the beginning when the software is brand new to them.

Wrapping Up

Digital adoption hit the market a few years ago and has begun to blossom in recent years. Platforms like Ziplyne are not going anywhere because more and more businesses are looking to expand themselves while optimizing their customer success and employee experience. These businesses have realized that digitizing and automating their processes is the way to go from this point forward.

