5 Digital Things To Do With Zipp

There’s good thing why some doctor choose to be specialist than generalize.

Zipp Digital
3 min readJan 20, 2017


Because specialist is sharper than general things to be collaborate with.

Specialist just concern on less things to be conquer; specialist is niche, focus and has bigger chance to accomplish what we’re going to do.

So, here are “5 Digital Things To Do With Zipp”.

#1. Omni channel Marketing

Multi channel diversifies everything, omni channel pulls it all together.

With omni-channel, you take your customer on a journey. No matter where they find you or how they interact with your product, the experience is seamless.

#2. Content Marketing

Strategy is just a wireframe, content completed suface. Content is digital ammunition get over the battle in online society.
Content marketing is complex, but they’ve to be serve in a simple way:

Interesting, engaging, helpful and contains of socials proofs.

What we’re going to do start from beginning to estuary of your content marketing: build persona, qualitative research, content creation — production, and amplification your content into several content repurpose; at specific tactics with narrow objectives level.

#3. Optimization — Tools.

“Put the right man on the right place”.

Similar to optimization phase, your business should implement the most proper things — tactics to generate your KPIs — ROIs at certain point.

You have to spend what you will earn, in the end.

We handle on: local SEO, E-mail marketing, split test A/B and landing page conversion — acquisition.

Since 5 years ago, we continually developing our 3 prestigious tools to collaborate with our beloved partners:

1. Ripple10.

Social local crowd monitoring — analysis.

2. SocioMile.

Relationship marketing and B2B dashboard.

3. Community Platform 2.0

Group and community tools — management.

#4. Website — Apps Development

Don’t let your business falling into general.

Be specialize and advance by combining your strategy with digital toosl: website — apps, to be develop by digital specialize. Your product shows what’s the benefit of your brand.

In recent 3 years, we’ve develop the website and mobile apps.

We help those who are seeking for the seamless, quality control and monitoring our partners in order to be in touch — updating any moment they want.

#5. Communitization.

Just make sure your business will be merely escalate — continuity enough by focusing on ‘integrated’ channel with community, group and people.

Communitization is crucial collaborative marketing activity.

How to connecting the online society to offline ‘real time’ marketing. The goal is: convincing your business end users, with variety of Key Performance Indexes.



Zipp Digital

an ambivert. the black swan. independent journalist who struggle to reality. orwellian