Zippie partners with Nasdaq-listed Borqs to create blockchain phone reference designs for smartphone brands worldwide

Antti Saarnio
Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2018
Together we’re bring blockchain technology to the people

At Zippie, we’re working hard to make the blockchain accessible to the masses, so we’ve very happy to announce our latest partnership with global smartphone and IoT device company Borqs Technologies. Borqs, listed in Nasdaq (NASDAQ: BRQS), is one of the fastest growing IoT and smartphone companies in the world.

Making it easy for smartphone vendors to take blockchain devices to market

In the US market, we’ve already partnered with Borqs to help Blacture, founded by Emmy and Grammy award winning musician Pras Michel, launch the first US blockchain smartphone. Blacture phone users earn rewards for online purchases, sharing information and offering products and services to the community. For Blacture, we provide the blockchain software solution, while Borqs provides the smartphone hardware. Together, we’re now taking this partnership one stage further and offering a blockchain smartphone reference design to hundreds of device brands worldwide, making it easy and fast for any smartphone vendor to take blockchain devices to the market.

Zippie and Borqs helped Blacture launch first US blockchain smartphone

Creating a world of difference

The smartphone industry today is super competitive, and many brands are struggling to differentiate. Our blockchain powered smartphone gives them an immediate opportunity to offer something totally different to the market, something which isn’t based on user data collection, but rewarding users and giving data ownership back to them.

George Thangadurai, EVP & President of International Business of Borqs said, “We’re delighted to be Zippie’s partner to deliver smartphone reference designs with their blockchain technology. Borqs has a proven record of delivering innovative new technologies in our customer’s products, enabling rapid commercialization and scale. In partnership with Zippie and Blacture, we look forward to deliver the first blockchain smartphone. Borqs has immense experience delivering robust implementations of security technologies in smartphones and is well positioned to drive Zippie’s blockchain technology adoption globally. ”

How to create a blockchain phone user experience that will wow

We’re often asked what additional value will the blockchain phone offer? We’re currently working closely with carefully selected quality blockchain projects to build those features. With Streamr, for example, we can build solutions which give control to people over their data, but also give them a chance to be rewarded for sharing the data they want to share. With Dbrain, blockchain phone users can earn rewards for teaching AI. With Etherbots, users can earn token assets by playing games.

Of course, this is only the very beginning. We’ll need lots more application and other partners to create a blockchain phone user experience that will wow the world. Our latest partnership with Borqs is an incredibly important step in the right direction.



Antti Saarnio
Editor for

I am constantly curious to participate on the world changing projects. Founder of Zippie, co-founder of Jolla