Zippie Product Update — April 2019

Pasi Rusila
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2019

In April, the Zippie product team focused on productizing the core features of the Zippie rewards wallet.

Zippie wallet integrated into AirImpact crowd donation platform. People can donate Impact Coupons directly to conservation workers without middlemen, who can then convert the coupons to local mobile airtime after their tasks are completed.

API for apps to easily reward their users

One of the core propositions of the Zippie wallet is to enable apps and other online businesses to easily share value to their users and reward them to boost customer acquisition and retention. With Zippie, apps can reward users with loyalty points without any downloads and users can then convert the points to local mobile airtime via the Zippie wallet. This makes the points easy to share, useful and valuable in everyday life.

As we approach market launch with our app customers, we’ve been finalizing the rewards API which is now ready for commercial use. Apps can easily tap into this API and start rewarding their users through their app or website. Users can see their points balance directly in the app and access the Zippie-powered points wallet. The wallet opens directly in the app as a Chrome web view, giving users a consistent experience.

Apps can theme Zippie wallet according to their brand

To make the rewards wallet user experience even more unified, Zippie supports partner theming. This means that the onboarding and wallet will look and feel like the brand which is utilizing the white-label Zippie wallet. In April, we finished theming support for the wallet and our app and online business partners can now make Zippie wallet look like their own.

Work in progress: Referral rewards and admin dashboard

According to our customers, one of the best use cases for airtime rewards would be to reward users for referrals. The more new active users you get, the more airtime rewards you earn. We have been working for a while to support referral functionality and aim to add the feature during the coming few months. Similarly, we’re working on a dashboard where marketing managers can start and follow referral and other loyalty campaigns.

Moving to Goerli testnet

As there has been uncertainty about the future of Ethereum’s Kovan testnet, we’ve been working to migrate to the Goerli testnet. This has also given us the chance to test how assets might be migrated across blockchains and to deploy CREATE2 based Personal Multisig Contracts.

For more updates and discussion, you’re welcome to follow Zippie at Telegram, Twitter and Youtube. See you there!

