Is Your Cup Empty? Or is it Overflowing?

Stolen Ideas
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2023

Truth is, it can be either at any given time and it will still be an issue.

If it is empty, people will say you cannot pour from an empty cup. They will say that running yourself ragged will only yield negative results.

If your cup is overflowing, people will say you are blessed and doing so well you can share with others. However, a Zen Master may say, “How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?”

Filling your cup is seen as self-care in both scenarios. Whether it is with wisdom or with activities that GIVE YOU LIFE.

A cup-check is not a once a week kind of deal… it should be a daily check-in. Every day we know to charge our phones if they are on low-battery the day prior. We know that we must put them to charge. Take the time to see where you are at energy-wise and start taking care of YOU.

It will be better for you and all your relationships. I promise.



Stolen Ideas

A Jill of many trades. ENFJ-T, diplomatic, versatile, values integrity, AMBITIOUS. RESILIENT. ENTERTAINING fueled by coffee -->