Announcing a Curated Series, ZEND&FRIENDS AMA

Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2022

We’re pleased to announce our curated mini series, ZEND&FRIENDS AMA starting with Series 01: Infrastructure.


  • Demystifying the space for crypto-natives and newbies alike to create the Web3 we need and want
  • ZEND&FRIENDS AMA is a Twitter Space series hosted on zkLend Twitter
  • Each series runs for a few weeks with a carefully curated list of speakers
  • Each series covers a different theme. The first is “infrastructure”
  • Our inaugural AMA will feature Julien Niset, Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer of Argent


Onboarding the next billion to web3” is often thrown around — but what about just the next million? Hundred thousand? Thousand? And, that’s not even in the nascent StarkNet context. Onboarding existing and new on-chain users matters to our shared success as an ecosystem and also helps to shape the inclusive space we want.

ZEND&FRIENDS AMA is meant to do just that. The series will run in three parts, each with a unique standalone theme. The AMAs are done live on our Twitter Spaces and will be for half an hour (short, punchy, and sweet!). Founders and builders will share with us the Web3 problems they set course to tackle, the products they aim to create and improve on, and ultimately, the big ideas that make them tick.

What to Expect

Series 01: Infrastructure will feature curated guests building — you guessed it — infrastructure. To kick off, we’re delighted to invite Argent Co-Founder & Chief Science Officer, Julien to discuss social recovery (Argent is perhaps one of the bona fide authorities on this), wallet design, StarkNet account abstraction and much more.

For Series 01 we’re excited to host legends and rising stars such as Yagi Finance, Stork and Chainstack to name a few. In Series 02 we’ll be crossing chains to traverse the multiverse, and finally Series 03 will conclude this galactic trilogy.

Meanwhile in the multiverse

In the meantime, follow our Twitter to mark your calendars for the kickoff. Tweet will come out with the scheduled space soon!

About zkLend

zkLend is an L2 money-market protocol built on StarkNet, combining zk-rollup scalability, superior transaction speed, and cost-savings with Ethereum’s security. The protocol offers a dual solution: a permissioned and compliance-focused solution for institutional clients, and a permissionless service for DeFi users — all without sacrificing decentralisation.

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zkLend is an L2 money-market protocol built on StarkNet, combining zk-rollup scalability, superior transaction speed, and cost-savings with Ethereum’s security.