ZKSwap 4th Proof-of-Liquidity and Proof-of-Transaction Mining Campaign Launched!

More mining rewards for ZKS-related trading pairs

3 min readMay 10, 2021


The third batch of ZKSwap liquidity mining (PoL) and transaction mining (PoT) has officially ended at 18:00, May 10, 2021, Beijing time. During the event, more than 5,000 users participated and shared the ZKS rewards. The TVL on ZKSwap also stabilized at 600+ million U.S. dollars, ranking №1 in all layer2 dexes.

To allow more users to participate in the mining activities, ZKSwap decided to start the 4th batch of liquidity mining (Proof-of-Liquidity) & transaction mining (Proof-of-Transaction) campaign. The 4th batch will retain the popular trading pairs in the third batch and distribute more rewards for ZKS-related trading pairs. It is worth mentioning that this mining activity will open liquid mining for the newly added SHIB/ZKS and AKITA/ZKS trading pairs.

In addition, to distribute more mining rewards to loyal, active ZKSwap users, participants of this mining campaign need to log in to the ZKSwap platform and activate their addresses before participating in the mining. Mining rewards have also been changed to the manual collection by users.

The fourth batch of the mining campaign has officially opened at 18:00 on May 10, 2021, Beijing time, and will end at 18:00 on May 24, for a total of 14 days. During the event period, users can log in to zks.app to participate at any time. The specific rules of the event are as follows:

Proof-of-Liquidity Mining (PoL)

Mining rewards: about 1.72 million ZKS
Mining duration: 18:00 on May 10, 2021–18:00 on May 24, 2021, GMT+8
Rules: After the mining campaign starts, ZKSwap will take multiple random snapshots of the Layer2 liquidity pool every day and will calculate the amount of ZKS rewards for each LP Token based on the total number of LP Tokens of the activated Layer2 addresses at the time of the snapshot.

The reward amount will be updated in real-time with the snapshot, and the user can manually claim rewards without any transaction fee.

After activating the address, users only need to add liquidity to the Layer 2 liquidity pool to obtain LP Token. Holding LP Token in Layer 2 is regarded as participating in PoL activities; single currency mining only needs to transfer assets to Layer 2 to participate. Pledge.
Note: The reward distribution time may be delayed due to network congestion

Proof-of-Transaction mining (PoT)

Mining rewards: about 150,000 ZKS
Mining duration: 18:00 on May 10, 2021–18:00 on May 24, 2021, GMT+8
There are 14 mining trading pairs participating Proof-of-Transaction mining, namely ZKS/ETH, ZKS/USDT, ETH/WBTC, WBTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, WBTC/BBTC, BUSD/USDT, WQTUM/ZKS, OKB/ZKS, GT /ZKS, XDEX/ZKS, UNI/ZKS, SUSHI/ZKS, AAVE/ZKS, SHIB/ZKS, AKITA/ZKS, as long as you trade in the corresponding active trading pair, you can get daily rewards.

The specific rewards of active trading pairs are shown in the figure below:

ZKSwap is a layer2 dex based on the ZK-Rollup technology and using the AMM model. ZKSwap also provides layer2 infrastructure for dAPPs; check our Wiki and APIs for details. We also have a mobile wallet available for early testing.

And You can find us here🥰:

ZKSwap Official Website: https://zks.org/en

ZKSwap Web APP: https://zkswap.app

ZKSwap Mobile APP: https://zks.org/en/download

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ZKSwap Medium: https://zkswapofficial.medium.com/

ZKSwap Github page: https://github.com/l2labs

ZKSwap Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZKSwap_Official




ZKBase (https://zks.org) is an all-in-one layer2 platform, featuring ZKSwap-DEX, ZKSea-NFT, ZKSquare-payment and ZNS-DID.