ZKSwap Launching on the Ethereum Mainnet Soon and One More Testnet Incentive Program Coming on Jan 25th

Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2021

Dear ZKSwapers,

ZKSwap Mainnet Launch Soon

We are optimizing the product based on the feedback from three security auditings teams at this moment. Mainnet launch coming soon!

Two More Days for POG Incentive Program

We kicked off the Proof-of-Gas incent program on Jan 6th. And there are two more days before it wraps up.

We have seen unprecedented interest from users around the globe. ZKSwap is currently deployed on the Ethereum Ropsten test network, a test network very close to the Ethereum main network. The transactions on ZKSwap is more than 100,000 in the past 24 hours, including 49,499 swap transactions on layer-2 and 61,173 withdrawal transactions from layer2 to layer1. In total, we have seen more than 100,000 contract interactions occurred on layer2 on ZKSwap.


To give you a good reference, according to the Dex ranking by DeBank, among currently live DEXes, only Uniswap has transactions over 100,000 in the past 24 hours. Sushiswap and 1inch had 14,974 and 6,424 transactions in the past 24 hours.

One More Testnet Incentive Program on Jan 25th

ZKSwap will start the last round of the testnet incentive program on January 25th to encourage users to test the Liquidity Mining, Proof of Transaction-fees, and Smart Contract Staking.

The ZKSwap development team has also completed the GPU version of the plonk algorithm, and the prover server TPS will be greatly improved. The GPU version of the plonk algorithm will also be deployed when the mainnet is launched.

At present, the team focuses on the aggregation of layer-2 zero-knowledge proofs. Unlike a single submission of proofs to the Ethereum network, ZKSwap will aggregate multiple zero-knowledge proofs on layer-2 first and then submit the proof to layer-1 so that more layer-2 transactions can be included. For example, each submission can contain 200–500 layer-2 transactions, which will greatly reduce the gas cost of interaction between the system and layer1.

After the mainnet goes live, ZKSwap will further develop a distributed zero-knowledge proof network, and layer-2 privacy payment tools with initial support to USDT’s layer2 privacy payment, a privacy exchange protocol (all swap processes are fully private), and will also support ERC721 and NFT token Swap in the future.




ZKBase (https://zks.org) is an all-in-one layer2 platform, featuring ZKSwap-DEX, ZKSea-NFT, ZKSquare-payment and ZNS-DID.