Animal Cruelty: Zkylos Addresses & Eradicates The World’s Sickness of Inhumane Humans

Uniting Global Animal Lovers Will Influence A Power Stronger Than Before

5 min readJul 26, 2018


In 2018, unfortunately, the rates are still shockingly high for animal cruelty of all forms. What is more surprising is that in a day and age where more and more people are becoming aware — thanks to the internet and social media — is that there are still disgusting greedy idiots out there who believe they can get away with things like literally murder.
However, a modern world with the means for real people to provide real video evidence and live functions enabled by platforms such as Facebook and Instagram gives hope for the future: to expose these bastards for who they are and what they do when inflicting cruelty on animals.

Types of Abuse

Although it is sickening to address and discuss such a topic, let us be clear on the utter shit we are dealing with here, to this very day. It is not surprising that there are more vegans wandering the globe when what is revealed, especially in relation to the numerous and various forms of animal cruelty that remain unresolved.

Let’s look at the picture as a whole:

  • Farming of animals who are reared for food and kept in poor conditions, overcrowded, pumped full of chemicals and hormones, (god only knows what else).
  • Labs that proceed in testing on live animals for cosmetics or medicine.
  • Exploitation of captive animals for capital gain and capturing wild dolphins (just as one example) or other creatures to take them away from their mothers and put into a small confined spaces — for the rest of their lives — only to perform tricks for food and swim in circles.
  • Animals like lions who are drugged to take tourist photos or elephants who are tranquilized to provide rides.
  • Mammals and such who are reared and executed for their skins or furs — or any other form of trophy.


  • Despicable humans who torture animals — just for the fun of it, i.e., dog and bull fights for entertainment, horse racing — putting innocent lives under severe strain and stress to acquire injuries which only have one solution of death so as to ‘put them out of their misery.’
  • Neglectful parents who leave their pets without food or proper care. Shameful people who get a pet for their child or for the image but do not actually research properly and take on the responsibility of nurturing another life who later realize that they cannot afford to keep them or do not have the time to love them.
  • Pets who are specifically bred deformed for design.

Sure enough, sadly ,there are probably more distressing ways in which the lives of animals endure pain inflicted by humans of today that we have failed to mention. What’s more are the blind onlookers who are “blissfully” unaware — clapping their hands at the sides of cages and tanks or riding on their backs, smiling in the photos or holding up their ‘kill’ . . .

Yes, we have been raised to be numb to the fact that we are a set of inconsiderate non compassionate freaks of the planet. Inflicting tremendous amounts of hardships on life of which we coexist and never batting an eyelid otherwise.

But Imagine This:

What if your baby was ripped from you at birth? Stored in a box for aliens to look in and decide when to feed/drug/abuse/kill your young? What if it was the fate of the human race to eventually feel what all of this was like? That of which we currently put through the lives of our animals?

Let’s Change History

Why not? We have the technology and knowledge to do so! The hideous truth involving the industry is, indeed, historical. But we have the means to make a difference. To rewrite how we do things.

And so it is time to greatly shame those who do wrong because now, we have the power put into our hands!

Zkylos Makes A Global Difference

Hardworking empathetic people who genuinely care deeply for our fellow creatures of the planet, are about to be united like never before! And it is well known that when a group gains in numbers their strength has a tremendous effect and the voice gets bigger. A bigger voice gets heard.

With incredible global links like that of what Zkylos is to provide for the future of the entire ‘World of Pets,’ the mass is about to take control of the situation, regulations and reports are about to get firm and organized. A structure like this leaves not much room for those who do not wish to play by the rules.

For The Sake Of Animals

One thing is for sure, none of this is necessary. None of the cruelty at the expense of another life is really and truly critical to the way a process is accomplished. There are other alternatives, there is always a humane solution to every issue. It all just depends if you are willing or not.

As intelligent species of the planet, we have brains that allow us to make choices. If you know that something is not right, and you proceed anyway, let that be on your conscience. It is all good and well that in the past we have never been so well connected on a global scale, but a modern age is upon us — and if we are smart about it, we can rid the evil from this world by joining forces for the greater good.

Let us unite and speak for those who have no voice and suffer totally uncalled for treatment.


Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 22nd July 2018

There are sadly many stories that could be shared in relation to this topic, and please do tell us about your experiences. We at Zkylos hope to provide a happy ending for the animals of the world and spread a universal feeling around the globe of love and set an example to all. We need more compassion as a society!

Zkylos: Together for a better world, together for better pet ownership.



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