Animals Do The Funniest Things: Zkylos Takes A Moment To Appreciate Pets

Loving Companions Create Memories In Our Everyday Lives — SO Let’s Celebrate!

4 min readAug 25, 2018


There is no denying that, just like children, babies and old people, pets are wonderful, hysterical creatures. Once we bring our loved ones home and welcome them into our lives, the commitment is made to participate in creating the memories and making the most of our precious time together on this Earth.

Certainly, there are struggles, but they wouldn’t be without the sparks that fly between the difficult times. Today, let’s take a minute to observe, reflect, appreciate and celebrate those special moments that join us and allow us to be the family that pushes us forward in day-to-day existence.

Pets Are A Part Of The Family

Whether you knew or not that the animal who is now a part of your household was going to be there or not, there is 100% a place that has been made for that particular being to share amongst you in the activities which you devise your lifestyle. It’s a fact that you eat, sleep, work, repeat and the whole while they are there in matrimony — just like any other family member.’


Meanwhile, such a unit will experience good times and bad — this is guaranteed. However, what always outweigh the struggles are precious occasions that have you sitting back in absolute awe. Indeed, small surprises entwine the acts of love that have us giggling, crying with joy and plant an everlasting knowing within us as to why we came together in the first place.

A Celebration Of Love

Sometimes we choose our family, which tends to be in most cases when it comes to our pets. Although, there are times when we inherit the responsibility due to someone passing or finding an animal in need via rescue or adoption.

Whatever reason we have for adding a member to our unit, the focus should be on that of love and in the meantime, we should be making the most of every minute of every day we have together.

One thing is for sure: Life is what you make of it — or so the saying goes! So if it was up to you, why not fill it with love and laughter? After all, pets do do the funniest of things! And we are not only talking about tricks over here! For instance, all it takes is to go on Youtube and perform a quick search, and there is an entire array of animals being totally hilarious!

Some Favourite Funny Moments

With the above in mind, everybody has witnessed an animal being utterly daft, completely oblivious and downright silly at some stage in their life. It is pretty easy to list off a reel of things that we remember seeing, whether in the flesh or as a viral video. What is no joke is how pets never seize to amaze us!

As a rule, pets too also learn so quickly, and each one has a character worth celebrating. There is no doubt that personalities shine through from breed to breed and individuality not only occurs in humans and children! More than likely if they see us doing something that sparks curiosity, they may try to imitate.

Creating Memories

What’s more, we also teach them to do certain things for our entertainment as well as discipline. Here we are talking about things like:

  • Or see if you can avoid pissing yourself at this bird who has picked up some foul and offensive language . . .
  • And for the heck of it, (because we can), let’s just drop this link here to distract you from the daily stresses of whatever you might currently be doing in life right now! ENJOY!

Yes, animals can be crazy creatures that blow you away with their attempts to adapt to the human world around them or how they communicate their needs, wants or how they express their emotions. Of course, there are many more videos and footage of where these came from. And yes, they will have you literally wetting yourself for hours, ROFL!


Zkylos Hosts A Place To Share Appreciation For Animals

Now, pet owners and the likes can look forward to daily posts of these types of things, by bringing forth a platform for live videos and uploads to brighten the days and social aspect of life that we share with our pets.

The aim is to have space where friends can communicate, unite and enjoy the interaction with those who have the same interests related to our animals. By posting pictures, videos, stories and more — not just for the occasional giggle but so that our animals know they are fully appreciated, wished a happy birthday, admired for their full potential and given the highest quality of affection.

🔅Scribbled by Nicky NoLaws, Nekkid inna the Jungle, (on her birthday), Zkylos Representative, August 25th, 2018. P.S I love my job! — Yes, Humans can be pretty darn funny too, at times . . .🔅

We at Zkylos KNOW for a fact that on a daily basis there are those circumstances that will take you back so that you feel the love and recognize precisely why you are doing what you do with your family, your animals. Please share your moments with us in the comments below!

It is with great pleasure to receive encouragement from our community and it’s times like these that motivate us to do what we do too!

