Dealing With Loss, Losing A Pet & Learning How To Cope.

Zkylos Brushes On A Touchy Subject But As Pet Owners We UNITE.

4 min readAug 21, 2018


One thing in this life is certain: Death. And with that in mind, this why we need to live life to the full — making every moment we can, count — with our pets and with each other. Yes, we understand that it is a bit of a sore subject — but in actuality, if we could just come to terms with the fact that, well, we all have it coming!

Once we have accepted our fate, we have reached a place where we can discuss.

It’s A Fact: Losing A Family Member Can Be Hard

So something that Zkylos wishes to gift to those who are suffering is a little relief. Because we have empathy, we know that creating a platform where pet owners, animal lovers, and the likes, can all unite.

Having the space is super important for those involved with animals, whether it be their choice, their job, anyone who is surrounded by loved ones who are directly enduring such pain or even those who may find themselves in a rescue situation (for example) — to share their love, their stories, photos, friends and support to one another. We at Zkylos are happy to offer a website to such a large community to post their tributes to those that have played a significant role in the lives of their humans.

First, Celebrate Life. Let’s Be There for Each Other!

As far as making sure that every day is special while we coexist with companions, as in a means to being able to know when there are events, making friends with others who share the same interests — we also want life to be simple. And why shouldn’t it be? We should be enjoying a convenience of having the ability to make pet ownership way more straightforward; there is also the safety net of staying connected with like-minded individuals for emotional support.

While all persons have their own way of coping in these situations — for some it could take months or even years to start getting back to normal. It goes without saying that there are several ways to solve the impending feeling of doom and gloom. Some may immediately go out and find themselves a replacement to fill the hole that is left in their household.

At best, to discover other stories and find people who are sympathetic, i.e.i, willing to listen, this is what really assists such a cause. At the end of it all, there really is no need to suffer in silence in this difficult time. For those who don’t say anything risk having to battle further upset. (Don’t make this any more challenging for yourself than it needs to be!)

A Place Where People & Their Animals Can Connect

Indeed, to realize you are not alone in a time of need is a wonderful and beautiful uplifting solution to not falling into a deep depression. However, it is quite easy to fall into a great state of sadness. Meanwhile, if you know, there are people around you to help you grieve then taking advantage of such a privilege always leaves you better off.

Of course, it can be tough to say goodbye — but it never has to be lonely. When losing a loved one, having a shoulder to cry on or someone to lean on for the grieving process is very important to gain strength and continue to live our lives and move on.

Reaching Out & Showing Support

As a rule, it doesn’t take much to offer condolences and shows that you care for someone who is going through a rough time when losing a pet. During a sad time like this, it is appreciated to learn that there is a network of people out there who you can talk to and depend on to lift your spirits.


When push comes to shove, it is no use shutting your curtains and blocking yourself from the world. There are some cultures who embrace the dead, like in Mexico, for example, animals are no exception. What is astonishing is how this nationality practices their beliefs — graves are decorated, flowers are placed, food is eaten, prayers are sung, and the entire village comes together to grieve and celebrate the lives that once were.


Zkylos Unites In Life & In Death

What if there was a constant place where people can always feel comfort in knowing that there is a whole world of others — at all times — that exist online where they can communicate their feelings and concerns, arrange to meet up, compare events and generally explore ways to try and get over the despair that comes with the circumstances of loss?

The world would be a much better place! That is for sure . . . Which is why we are working hard to ensure the facility is available for global pet owners to be able to stick together in these hard times — providing a solution to keep up communication and a quick and easy one-click process that supplies organization for our animals of the planet via the technology we have today!

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, August 20th

If you have a story that you wish to share with fellow members of the community here at Zkylos, please feel free to write your comments below. It is with deep sadness and sympathy to hear about your experience with loss, but we also like to see the positives in the negatives and use this opportunity to share the great celebration of life!

Together for a better world, together for better pet ownership.

