“Dude, Where Is My Animal?” Every Pet Parent’s Biggest Fear . . . The Unknown.

How To Find Your Pet: The Best Solution = Microchip Your Animal

Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2018


Finding your beloved companion is ‘lost’ or ‘missing’ is the worst nightmare of any pet parent.

We all know that dreaded feeling in the pits of our stomach — our hearts sinking — staring into the unknown. When one comes home after a hard day, expecting to have that happy greeting, but all is silent.

You walk through the door only to discover there are no tails wagging, food bowls still full, and an empty bed lays there where should your favorite friend be snuggled up that night — the hole that eats the precious part of your life can be one that is hard to bare.

Safe to say, sleepless nights, worry, anxiety, restlessness, and depression are feelings quick to sink in as does the reality. Today, Zkylos discuss episodes which often take place, and unfortunately, at least once in a parent’s life, those terrors that keep us awake at night trying to prevent such a disaster from unraveling — when a pet goes missing.

When Pets Disappear, Where Do They Go?

Often times, our animals wander off into the abyss. Sometimes it is of their own accord — the social creatures that they are — simply in search of company (or even love). It goes without saying that we cannot always take them with us wherever we go, therefore there are many who are left sitting around at home bored, at times for hours, awaiting our return.

Of course, knowing this can be very unnerving, to say the least. Left unattended means, like a child, there are disturbing consequences that may be on the horizon. Yes, the lesser risks are that they may become anxious, or bored and ransack the house, chewing things, scratching furniture, just downright destroying things to leave a clear message for their humans “don’t leave me!”


As hard as it is, human life does not always welcome furry (and non-furry) friends into every single aspect. Therefore, there have to be times when one is parted at a fraction at a time whether either one likes it or not.

But one day — and sadly for some parents, it does become a regular routine — getting out is the main goal AND success. Whether the reason being is that they have come to the point where enough is enough (or they are already acquainted and just get used to the freedom) your pet may well figure out his or her escape — and that leaves a whole window of shit wide open to you, them and the world.

A Horror Story

It is true that any pet owner’s headspace immediately thinks the worst (like any parent). The automatic reaction of sheer panic and the thought process of imagining what could be: “What if they are hungry? Hurt? Lost? Kidnapped? Dead?”

Most of the time, especially thanks to microchipping, pet owners are lucky in finding their strays. Although, there are those instances where people are not so advantaged.

The truth is, there are crooks in this world and animals are victims to theft, (i.e., being stolen). While people may just be complete arseholes and straight up steal your pet, others happen to be more conniving. That’s right — we live in a day and age where people want to torture parents and nap your young for ransom.

Those posters you put out offering an award for their return? Let’s just say this should be a last resort . . .

Also, devastatingly, the unmentionable worst case scenarios. Those horrific unfortunate ‘never coming back’ events which involve being hit by moving vehicles or finding themselves trapped.

Many other misfortunate occurrences might take place such as finding and eating poison laid out for pests, being caught by the pound, exterminators or even predators.

The Simple Solution

Although the procedure can be rather costly and perhaps slightly distressing, the overall concept is to put everyone’s mind at ease in knowing that if you were to lose your beloved pet, you have maximized your responsibility and chances in finding them.

Microchips are by far the most effective solution in finding anything.

At best, in most places now it is an enforced rule for animals to be trackable — and why not? It is the 21st century and we have the technology available to us! Not to mention the duty one has gained in committing to caring for another life.

If you are old school, or cannot sit still in the meantime, you can always create one of those ‘LOST’ posters with a picture, name, address, contact (and a reward, if you are feeling generous and suuuuuper desperate).

Meanwhile, you can rest assured that you are doing all you can as opposed to sitting home twiddling your thumbs hoping Skippy ‘The Escape Artist’ comes home.


Safe to say, many pet owners immediately opt for this beneficial procedure simply to avoid the hassle and gain ‘peace of mind.’

After all, as the saying goes: “It is far better to be safe than sorry!” Certainly, there is nothing better than the relief of being reunited after traipsing, calling and posting around in search of your beloved pet!

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, August 29th, 2018

Care to share your experience and thoughts with Zkylos and our community? Please write a comment below to tell us all about it! Sometimes circumstances, like the one discussed today, cannot be helped.

Whether your story has a happy ending or one of a more unsettling result, feel free to be open with as we want to hear about all possible scenarios — no matter how they wind up — affecting our pets and our humans.

