Healthier Pets & A Happier Lifestyle Made Affordable (That’s Right!)

Zkylos Puts Into Motion The Answers Animals & Humans Have All Been Waiting For

Published in
5 min readAug 16, 2018


It is a known fact that vet bills, maintaining a decent diet for our pets and keeping the motivation to exercise them, clean them and just generally take good care of them are a whole new realm of costs, effort and responsibility to add to our everyday lives. But why does it need to cost so much? The answer is simple: It doesn’t.

Zkylos Exposes A Monetary System Surrounding Our Pet’s Health & Wellbeing

As we continue to pay the ridiculous repeat prices on a day-to-day basis in the name of quality goods — for ourselves as well as our animals — while no one bats an eyelid — we are tricked into blindly thinking only of personal expenses not being that much. In actuality when looking at the grand scale of things what we are effectively doing is feeding the success to those who don’t deserve it.

The world is full of people who, just like you, are doing the exact same thing in contributing to keeping the system as is — and without question. There are monetary enterprises gaining massively at the expense of, well, let’s just say quite frankly, no one giving a damn to argue otherwise!

It’s all good and well saying “You cannot put a price on health and happiness” while smiling and handing over the cheque — but that is just what they are doing. To everyone.

AND. Getting away with it.

What’s worse is that we know it is happening.

However, the more we walk around like ants, paying the price that we do for everyday necessities and putting our hard-earned money into the hands of those who are already wealthy means that the richer these companies are, sadly, they are just going to get bigger and stronger.

Consequently, what becomes of this is inevitably the more we will continue to suffer such a hideous brainwashed conformity to a rat race.


Finances Add Up! Especially When They Are Great In Numbers

Realistically, if we want seriously healthier companions, we shouldn’t have to worry about hidden fees and horrendous — outrageous, in fact — costs of emergency situations, surgeries, regular check-ups and daily upkeep of all the standard requirements — no matter how big or small!

The truth is, today’s industry for medical care and surrounding our animals, has gone mad.

It’s as though they just want to completely suck you dry OR (in most cases) force you to leave your pet in a poor condition. Of course (if you are lucky), you might come by a reasonable deal with pet insurance — but what about those who weren’t so fortunate?? Do you leave your friend to suffer until the funds magically appear so you can dish out the thousands that are asked of you?

According to an article recently published by The Telegraph UK, thousands upon thousands of Great British pounds are being spent to fund for unregulated charges towards vets fees alone simply because the pet owner is uneducated and entering a competitive market of animal medical care. The comparison is made that:

If one vet says “I can make a diagnosis by examining your pet carefully, using my wisdom and experience,” while another vet says “I need to carry out x-rays, an ECG and an MRI scan in order to make a diagnosis,” how can an owner tell the difference?—

  • And this is precisely the problem in all aspects of raising our animals including feeding them, training them, grooming them — you name it — the whole shebang! So otherwise, we must seriously educate ourselves and know our shit about our pets, and the science that goes into taking care of them inside and out — or we rectify this situation by creating transparency and fairness.

Because if we don’t, just like the concerned pet owner you read exclaiming:

. . . a typical response: “Having spent over two grand on a rabbit that cost ten quid last year, I can see why people get angry.” —

  • It’s shit like this and unfair costs that we are setting ourselves up to constantly deal with for the future as well as not preventing it happening to anyone else.

Fight! Take The Power Back!

One thing that Zkylos want more than anything is a blissful life for the worlds animals, pet owners, breeders (and the likes). A certainty of achieving this outcome is ONLY plausible if we stop lying down and taking this shit! Come on people! We can do better! Better for ourselves and better for our nearest and dearest — our loyal animals! It is time to make change through the use of modern-day technology and press for true transparency of transactions using blockchain.

We at Zkylos are working extremely hard on our MVP stage of development at this moment and we are excited to inform you of our project that will create such a change on a global scale, creating fairness and equality to all pet owners, breeders, and the likes.


Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 15th August 2018

When A Minority Become The Majority

For those who wish to protest and speak out in an attempt to speak and be the voice of their animals, write your comments below and stress your feelings on the matter. If the community of ‘no more’ sayers grow in numbers and all push for change, that is when a revolution takes place. The longer we mope around waiting for shit to happen the more extended timeframe of which the greed exists.

Make a stand, Zkylos believes we are one.

Together for a better world, together for better pet ownership.

