Idiots In Crypto: Zkylos Urges People To Be Careful & Research Info Thoroughly

Don’t Believe All You Are Told Immediately, Gather The Facts

4 min readJul 5, 2018


Whether we like it or not, we are always going to find false information on the web, run into morons or come close, if not fall victim to a scam. Today, there are plenty of idiots running riot online, especially in Crypto.

The sad thing about this is that it is not only problematic, but there are also a decent amount of genuine people running real businesses out there who are struggling to shine through the mass amounts of crap that keep on compiling.


As a result of a bunch of dweebs who are 100% clueless and are just throwing words around like ‘centralized’ or other buzz phrases but don’t have the foggiest idea of what any of their own regurgitated lingo even means. From this, they are creating a chain of uneducated followers who then convince their friends to think they are ‘cool’ by trying to reiterate what they just saw on Youtube.

And How Do Morons Affect Crypto?

Meanwhile, the whole damn Chinese whispers effect is brainwashing people into what doesn’t actually even matter! And the worst part? PEOPLE ARE SPENDING THEIR MONEY!

So, those who are spending their lives DAY and NIGHT working their arses off to do right by the world aren’t even getting a second look. The coins fluctuate endlessly, as is, without these scams meddling in between everything. It’s a good job there is Karma . . .

However, as ridiculous as it may sound, while these fakers may make it to the top for a short period of time, truth prevails, and it isn’t long before something honest shines through and knocks these twats off of their imaginary unjust pedestals — for all of this to happen again!.

How Are They Even Getting Away With This Shit?

Yes, there are coins out there and hard-working teams putting together successful and useful projects that largely benefit the world. These are the places which you do want to be placing your cash — investing time researching, following, observing as well as your money so as to help inflict a real societal transformation and, of course, earn money yourself in the process.

But how do you tell who is honest and who is a downright loser? One thing is for sure not every Tom, Dick and Harry is going to be truthful in their sales tactics or popularity contest. These sneaky toads are out to do whatever they can to cut corners and get a fast fix of $$, so they can laugh in your face about it after you come to your senses, but it is already too late!

Unfortunately, these days, the world can be oblivious to sniffing out the weasels if a person makes him or herself look legit through ‘image.’ These utter con artists are attracting the attention of dimwits who see a video with umpteen ‘views’ or ‘hits’ and getting the recognition they DO NOT DESERVE.

Fellow Community! Don’t Be Fooled!

It’s a shame that such pests gain immediate gratification from fooling around on the internet — stand in front of a flashy car and chatting shit — obviously what you are saying is true if you have a whiteboard and reel off imaginary statistics (not).

You know who you are and as much as we would like to warn the rest of you by providing a link to an example, we are not going to promote this BS any further.

However, this approach seems to pull the wool over a lot of eyes and before you know it you are feeding these leeches like putty in their hands! So Zkylos URGES you to make sure that you perform THOROUGH research before you go dipping your hands into your wallets.

Here are some useful tips:

Lesson 1: Use a dictionary! If you don’t understand what something means, it really is not that hard to find out and learn.

Lesson 2: Look out for hype! Don’t believe something is BIG based on the number of hits, views or likes it has. Read the comments, descriptions and research content that grabs your attention.

Lesson 3: Stalk the fuckers! Check out the team, make sure they are actually committed. Look into their social media profiles and see who they really are.

All of these things don’t take a rocket scientist and nor do they take much time to dive into — but it is well worth it as it could save you a hell of a lot of embarrassment later down the line when you realize you have been supporting a complete fraud or mess of an organisation.


At The End Of The Day . . .

It is only up to you to make your own judgment — what Zkylos wish to emphasize is the fact that, although first impressions may seem sincere, nine times out of ten, sadly, they are not — especially when it comes to money. The truth is, there are folk out there who will do anything for money — there are even kids just messing around harmlessly without the intention other than to see if they can gain followers.

Whatever you do, the sensible approach is to watch out; there are a lot of snakes in the grass — those who appear to know their shit might just be full of shit.

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 4th July 2018.

If you felt that this article pulled on any heartstrings, or have had an experience yourself that you care to share with us — please go ahead and write a comment in the box below. Sometimes it’s OK to rant! Zkylos wishes to hear about what their community thinks and listens to all opinions.

