~ New Demo ~

Pet-Ownership & Breeding Just Accelerated

5 min readMay 8, 2018


An idea that blew up instantly — from small to BIG. How did Zkylos skyrocket from dogs to ALL animals? What went into creating a demo? What does this mean for breeding?


Zkylos: From The Beginning To Now

Something we must state is that it is difficult to overestimate the importance of showing how our technology is being developed. Zkylos has been working tremendously hard on visualizing our concept. So many different options were tested, reviewed and re-tested.

Our idea literally expanded beyond our wildest dreams, and we plunged from catering for the canine community to all animals, seemingly overnight.

Admittedly, as soon as the right investor came along and suggested we incorporate AI, it was a slight — (OK, maybe a major) — identity crisis. We knew there was the potential for expansion. Extending the market was a little intimidating but was always on the cards, like a dangling carrot on a stick. Now it was time to up our game and change our strategy. THINK BIG.

It goes without saying: It was all or nothing. Snooze you lose.

So, before making any sort of demo we had to understand EXACTLY what we were doing. Questions were asked, adjustments were made, and finally, we have evolved even further.

Adapting To Synergy

Synergistic deriving from the word Συνεργία — meaning “working together” in Attic Greek

Once we had grasped the makeover, we had to focus on specifying all of the possible functions and their interactions within the infrastructure. Apart from that, we had to analyze every single action that we were about to implement as a part of the system in relation to the variety of other functions on the platform: How exactly do they work together? Does one substitute another? Do we even need this one? And so on.

When the logics were explained and justified it was time to make it look nice… and professional. That is where our designers Andrew and Natalia made the impossible possible.

Results — Voila!

Zkylos is a multi-agent platform. At first, we updated all of our documents, (white paper included), changed our website text and presentation to fit all the latest features and have now made a ‘Pet Owner Demo’ where we demonstrate all of the benefits of using the platform for every pet owner.

We strongly advise you to have a look at the Demo and see for yourself. The best experience (at this stage) is from a desktop computer.

A Demo ‘Walk-Through’ 🐕🐈🐩

Welcome to a world where ‘dog-meets-dog.’ The demo itself is based solely on the canine industry — as an example — (you can imagine the extent of the scale when you consider this fact!)

Starting at the Dashboard which plays the role of a ‘social feed’ and gathers all the important and relevant information from users to share with the world. Here is where Zkylos encourages the user to ‘Add a new pet’ — accomplished with just one click!

(As always. Zkylos is a “one-click platform” 😏)

Afterward, access your pet’s profile. NOW it is time to shine! Put your photos, talk about your beloved friend and add his/her bio, brag about the best bits and show off your style. Here is where you can also interact with the Pedigree, Achievements, Health and Genetic tests as well as some socially important stuff like finding friends and other animals.

RELATED: Centralized Decentralization: A New Organizational Level That’s Inevitable

Having found a pet that you wish to connect with, you are asked to order a Pedigree. And again, in just a matter of clicks (instead of a one week waiting period), your mission is accomplished!

‘The Perfect Match’ Function — Breeding Has Never Been So Simple!

The year is 2018, and so it is only right that we pursued every animal lovers dream.

Soon you can visit your breeding section which is a very VERY useful feature containing all of the relevant information regarding your animal’s previous matings, offsprings and also planned future mating.

Particularly interesting is that here you may search for the best partner — in other words, ‘The Perfect Match’ for your animal and . . . Send an invitation to breed! (Or accept/deny, of course.)

Zkylos is excited to offer integrated Artificial Intelligence scans which can identify a range of suitors for your animal and list them in seconds! From the list, you can choose your criteria to find an ideal mate for your pet and interact with the owner. So so simple!

Wait! There’s More!

Just when you think it couldn’t get any better . . . An ‘Events’ page allows you to add, view, and remind yourself of upcoming events and see the latest from previous shows, etc. Never miss a thing!

What more could you ask for? Everything is finally in one place, without faffing around with paperwork or visiting numerous and various offices — repeatedly! A database that has it all stored — safe and secure — 100% completely transparent. You might ask, “Why has this taken so long??

Animals meet humans — meet more animals — AND a system that works!

Surprisingly, this stage is still just the beginning. Zkylos is aware that demands within society are constantly changing and therefore, the team is ready to apply necessary alterations as and when needed, to maintain a structure that works purely at the convenience of every individual user.

Progress Is Literally Unstoppable!

Times are changing — (they have been for quite some time!) — and we finally caught up. If you are a pet owner, animal lover, have a pet-related business or happen to be a breeder just go to https://zkylos.io/ and see everything for yourself. We did try really hard!

Oh! And one more thing!

Coming soon

Zkylos Demo for Breeders ‘

Together for a better world, together for better pet-ownership.

Please let us know your thoughts and comments in the box below — Zkylos believes we are one and so we are most excited to hear what you think. Your feedback helps us improve so that we can create an enhanced user experience that will benefit all within our community.

