Scientists Prepare: Zkylos Provides Means for A Future of Healthy Genetics

Quality Lifestyle For Animals & Protection For Pets Worldwide

5 min readJul 29, 2018


Today, we would like to press forward with presenting the great news that will prep scientists in relation to the potential for major genetic breakthroughs that will be inflicted by the use of the Zkylos platform. Here is a ledge on which researchers can perch and observe data — like never before — concerning our beloved pets of the planet and their wellbeing.

The more people upload, update and share their pet profiles, the more knowledge can be gained as a result! We are talking about hereditary defects, mutations, changes, disorders and so much more! Information like this is permitted to be applied for future breeding and other medical investigations which will influence the better prevention of disease as well as be saving existing lives . . . Amongst a whole load of other exciting stuffs!

A Future For Your Pet Like You Always Imagined

Something that every decent pet owner dreams about is having the available care ready for their loved ones so as to ensure that they can do the best job of their ability for as long as their family members live. We all want our pets to live their best lives, right?

So what if we told you there were the means to create a worldwide data storage system to place all facts about our trusty companions? And what comes with that is having a speedier opportunity to integrate technology including that of AI which can directly focus on genetic history to create a whole new level of better health for the future of our animals!?

Zkylos Caters To All Walks Of Life

Whether that is a cat, dog, rabbit, horse, pig, fish, goat, you name it! Moreover, what if there was also a more convenient approach to searching, predicting and improve the lives of animals across the globe? A way to detect disease, illness or any other factor that could be of significance earlier on?

Not only would there be an excellent communication and an open network free to discuss probabilities on top of current health circumstances, but there would also become the ability to compare health issues — the good and the bad — in ways that are as easy as a one-clock-process convenience.


Conveniently Interact & Share Info

Find other pet owners and breeders who have encountered similar problems, or examine one another’s success so as to increase chances of influencing a higher standard of quality for the life of your animal(s) in all aspects imaginable!

Finally, feel liberated in sharing a life with your companions by becoming a part of a global community. Discover an ease in communication and by also filing all the relevant information about your pet in a unified system that connects all necessary bodies as well as a network of new friends. At the same time, save on lengthy procedures, that would normally cost a lot of energy and money.

What Does This Mean For Science?

As far as development is concerned, to digitize such material will undoubtedly repair the speed in which aspects of analysis can move forward. Therefore, it is a moment many have been waiting for! Access to studies which have previously been exhausting to perform in trying to gather all necessary numbers and clues which can solve many inconveniences which we tackle daily in the industry.

Advancements are to take a giant leap from struggling to administer such an organization to review previous evaluations and bringing history into the present to summarise reports for what could be. In this case, changing the course of action to redirect from imminent abnormalities which could dramatically affect the livelihood of beings and instead, pursuing alternative choices which remain in the interest of forming a more enhanced existence for animals.


With rates already sky high for animal-related illnesses that infringe significant consequences including that of extinction to rare species, we can now press forward much faster in finding out the likely causes sooner, have a more positive outlook to saving those endangered while strengthening preparations, etc., before other groups are to also be at risk.

Data To Improve Animal & Human Health

If you think having a healthy pet is where this will end, then think again; because what mainly affects the population of humans is maintaining the superior quality of the environment of which surrounds us, including that of the responsibility of our animals within our society.

As people, we are rewarded with fewer germs carried by our pets that can too, make us sick. Above all, there will be a far lower rate and possible eradication of diseases — indeed it is certain that the situation will be monitored an regulated in a way that it has never been before.

How Will Zkylos Better The Situation?

It goes without saying that it is a knock on effect if there are animals who are suffering zoonotic diseases that we can contract, outbreaks are inevitable. Due to various factors there a number of notions that cause epidemics — it all depends on how they are managed as to how it affects the people around.

However, using the Zkylos movement to upgrade the current situation we have worldwide involving our animals is sure to rectify many setbacks and promote direction towards achievements that will transform life as we know it — for our pets and our humans.

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, July 27th 2018

Excited about what the future holds for animals, pet lovers and the likes? Tell us about what you wish to see happen in the box comment below! Zkylos wants to hear all thoughts on the matter and discuss possibilities that affect our community. Together, we know that we can create a better world for better pet ownership!

