Social Media Platform for Global Pet Enthusiasts & Animal Lovers

“Perfect Match” (It’s Like Dating!) Enabled for Breeders

5 min readAug 7, 2018


For those who thought that it just couldn’t get any better as far as their pets were concerned, wait ’til you see what is coming next! Now fasten your seatbelts ‘cuz things are about to get waaaaaaay more interesting!

If you presumed that it was just humans who like to socialize, then we have a newsflash for you — because animals are social creatures too. OK, OK — they might not fully understand how to work a computer, but as their carers, we have a duty to help them out a little . . .

The Social Aspect Of Pet Ownership

Zkylos brings a platform that we could say is a little like the ones we use for ourselves, in the means of worldwide interaction. While we upload pics of ourselves — daily — and talk about the things that we do, sharing our lives with each other from instant stories and emojis . . . Why not do so for the ones we share our lives with and love?

So since we update the world with our whereabouts and whatabouts, imagine this: Doing so for our animal! They too might long to go for walks or get groomed together — perhaps even arrange to take care of each other while our owners need to go about those pesky things that humans do, like work or holidays — that sort of thing.


It’s Time For Our Animals To Meet Each Other!

As though you would for yourself, Zkylos provides a way to create the perfect profile for your dear companion, tell people about their appearance, health, skills, achievements, preferences — all the details that you would personally reveal, put up a few images and then start immediately sending out messages or viewing other shenanigans of what similar pets are getting up to!

There’s No Limit!

Just a reflection of the types of things we would usually see designed for social interaction of people; arrange events and be in the know! Never miss a show, sale or anything that one might do together as a fellow pet owner.

Find out where the competitions are and when, so you have good time to get your champ together and practice what it is you do best so that you can keep your eyes on the prize.

Dating & Mating: Breeders Take Note

Us humans love to get on down with foreplay — so why wouldn’t animals prefer the same luxury? Get them in the mood and make cause for attraction! Put some effort in and be rewarded with creature conceived based on true love.

Find rare breeds, unusual coats, competition winners and just downright amazing animals from all over the world! Then, what is even better — wait for it . . . Check out ‘THE PERFECT MATCH’ based on genetics!

That is right! An automated list conjured related to the collected data of compatible pets will be displayed to you with the special feature of incorporated AI within the system functions to help you encounter more options than you ever assumed possible for matching, dating and breeding your pet!

It’s SO Simple!

Send a message to the owners of the animals you would like for your pet to mate and hope to acquaint your beloved for potential offspring!

It’s beyond straightforward — trying to set up your pet with the ideal partner, now more than ever! No more hassles of word-of-mouth or trying to put ads in papers or ringing around — meet the future of breeding! (FINALLY!) One-click processes that give you access to all the relevant data surrounding your pet and their suiters!

Although it might sound funny, it indeed actually is a very serious matter in the world of breeding. You might know about it — you might not — so we at Zkylos would care to elaborate for you!

The Struggle Is Real!

Currently, the situation with breeding processes is still very much stuck in the old way of doing things — which certainly lacks in technology. Farmers and dog breeders, for instance, still endure the struggles of finding perfect partners to breed their animals with and are somewhat restricted to keeping it local.

Yes, the mindset is changing thanks to the likes of Facebook and other social media platforms who work to making it easier for people to arrange get-togethers over a variety of topics which interest them — but the fact of the matter is, that there is nothing yet set up solely for animals and animal-lovers quite like this!

Using Zkylos will give the means to connect further afield and swap info with each other amongst other things like selling or exchanging semen straws and embryos from shipping afar. Doing so will also help the world save endangered species by keeping in touch with each other and having a database to store information about the animals discovered in different areas of the globe.


When this takes off all those previous tedious tasks that were to be more hassle than necessary will be no more! Zkylos will close the gap of lengthy procedures and the ballache of all paperwork that goes along with it all — making the life of pet owners and the likes convenient through the use of modern-day technology.

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 6th August 2018

Do not hesitate to tell us what you think by writing a comment in the box below! We at Zkylos, encourage our community to share their ideas, thought, opinions, suggestions — the whole shebang! Negative, positive, whatever it may be! It is our duty to take it all in and apply to our project to ensure the utmost success to truly satisfy our market needs.

Help us make the world a better place, for animals and for their humans! Together for a better world, together for better pet ownership.

