Zkylos & Charity: Creating A Convenience For Global Pet Ownership.

The Potential To Increase Adoption Rates & House Abandoned Pets

5 min readJul 15, 2018


WARNING: You may find this topic upsetting. For the purpose of this article, we have investigated some shocking statistics that prove a current global tragedy surrounding the mistreatment of pets. However, Zkylos brings about the opportunity to clean up acts of inhumanity and prevent animals from becoming disregarded strays.

Why Do Strays, Become Strays?

It is sad but true — some people do not realize what they are getting themselves into when they see a cute little puppy (for example) in that horrid pet shop running round in circles trapped in a cage on display in the window . . . And they go in there, with the best intentions, a heart made of gold, pay the price and take it home.

Puppies, for example, are hard work. They require a lot of attention, training, a puppy-proof environment and lots of energy, time and money — all of which is going to have to one from their trusty humans.

It’s impossible to determine how many stray dogs and cats live in the United States [alone]. Estimates for cats alone range up to 70 million. “ — dosomething.org

Unlike a baby, many places do not accept your pet is part of the family and some may 100% reject the idea of permitting such a creature (whatever that creature may be: dog, cat, squirrel, pig or tarantula) into their vicinity.

That’s right! It can be a tough world for pets (and therefore, for their owners).

There are those who wish to go away on holiday, but what will they do with their pet? You know, I once challenged this to a friend who contested “Oh no! I couldn’t possibly deal with all the hassle and costs of trying to take them with me — traveling with an animal is what rich people do.”


How DO We Reduce Animal Neglection?

Animals will be just that, animals! And one thing that each living being on the planet has genetically punched into their DNA and design is the need to breed. However, despite the natural, accidental pregnancies that occur that provide the world with an excess of cute little furry (or non-furry) babies — there are some serious over-breeding issues due to careless and greedy humans who are trying to monopolize from breeding certain species of their chosen animals

25% of dogs that enter local shelters are purebred. About twice as many animals enter shelters as strays compared to the number that are relinquished by their owners.“ — dosomething.org

Meanwhile, the balance could be restored by proper regulations and registry of animals as well as their owners if the entire system was updated to a digital version complete with AI functions for authentication.

Also, if costs were controlled and reduced, with ease of animal ownership presented, wouldn’t that make people more inclined to:

A. Look after the pets they have far better than they currently are capable?

B. Have the means to feel empathetic towards the animals who are desperately in need of finding a loving family and home?

The fact of the matter is, there would be less of an excuse for people to ‘throw away’ a life that they couldn’t be bothered to be responsible for anymore. With the hassle of trying to look after an animal that regularly inadvertently sucks money out of the pocket of the owner for whatever — namely costs like: vet bills, certificates and other documents or treatments on top of standard fundamental survival necessities like shelter, food, and healthcare, etc.

Homelessness: There Is Hope!

While some of you are sitting at home with your loved ones, tucked into your comfort zones, curled up on the couch, cozy on a mat in front of the fire or whatever you do in your safe little bubble full of love — there is an entire different breed of pet out there: The Forgotten.

As sad as it may seem, the disturbing truth of the matter is reflected by the numbers revealed. Many charities work hard to tidy up after the mess of irresponsible and downright cold-hearted humans — as well as catering for the uneducated or those people who literally had no choice but to ‘let go’ of their beloved companions due to a variety of possible circumstances.


Please, try to be mindful and realize that when you bring an animal into your home, you are liable for that life for as long as they shall live. A pet is not just for Christmas.

Also — #adoptdontshop

Zkylos believes we are one. Together for a better world, together for better pet ownership.

Charity Work To Change The World & Lives of Pets

Support and be a part of this wonderful, caring movement that is empathetic to changing the lives of animals in shelter. There are so many to choose from, but here are some worldwide causes that Zkylos hopes to influence some positive changes:

1. Best Friends Animal Society (cats/dogs/horses/birds/goats/pigs rescue, matching)

2. Return to Freedom (wild horse sanctuary, matching)

3. The Humane Society (animal protection)

4. NKLA (no-kill animal shelter)

5. Star Paws Rescue (dogs/cats rescue)

These are just a handful of charities out there specifying in the assistance of a variety of causes that install improved chances of future for diverse animals. Get involved in any way you can, don’t just sit back and let other people do the work for you!

Scribbled by Nicky Lawson, Zkylos Representative, 13th July 2018

If you have a story or have been affected by any of the issues mentioned in this article, or merely wish to share your views and opinions, Zkylos is extremely interested to read your comments, if you could type them in the box below. Thank you!

