Zkylos Eliminates Stress & Promotes Positive Mental Health.

Guaranteed Convenience Supplied by An Online System

6 min readJun 21, 2018


While most people immediately feel stress just at the thought of a pile of paperwork, others are meditating on the freedom of ease provided by today’s digital world. Now, most industries are slowly but surely catching up with this technological revolution, but the pain of being left behind still haunts a significant number.

Pet Ownership is one stagnant market that is lulling around waiting for something big to happen that will lift the community off of its feet and shoot society off into a direction of which they will never look back.

Of course, Zkylos are the candidates who wish to be the vehicle that drives this global transformation starting by eradicating the outdated and pointless system that remains in place.

One thing that these down-to-earth individuals have found is that through their own personal experiences of trying to live life alongside their beloved animals is there exists a ridiculous amount of frustration in deeds that could be made waaaaaay simpler.

Unnecessary Complicated Operations

Let’ say you have a baby. Can you imagine having to file a relentless amount of paperwork every time you wish to travel? And then reaching the regulators only to find that you are denied access to where it is you are trying to go due to a typo?

Seriously — picture this! There are actually cases where pet-owners have attempted to voyage overseas with their companion only to find that they are to be separated for life — because some outrageous rule (like a band breed for example) has dominated the entire procedure.

Obviously, this would be the worst worst case scenario, but the fact that this is unlikely does not eliminate the horror of the possibility.


Losing Your Beloved Pet For Life? 😲😥

I mean, can you imagine if someone, first of all, put you through the ordeal of getting several papers together from several offices of which DO NOT communicate with each other whatsoever — for your child?

Sure there are necessary regulations for all of us humans as well — but if there were one document that allowed an animal to ‘pass go’ for instance: ‘Digital Animal Identification’ — then life would be a lot less stressful, right?

And the reason we are comparing your pet to having a child is that although they are a different species, they are a part of your family. The extent of the loss would be easily compared to the grief of losing a family member.

Therefore, all your intention is to 100% ensure you have everything in perfect order to accomplish a smooth ride.

On That Note — Moving On!

Once you have acquired all the necessary documents that need to be completed — then you stay up all night going over everything and prepping your trip down to a T.

The trouble is that, ultimately, you might wind up being held up (on your side of a border) by a bunch of clueless officials staring blankly at the certificates you have presented, holding up not only you — but everyone behind you — to then refuse you entry.


  • The veins pop out of your head,
  • Fists begin to clench,
  • Palms become sweaty and
  • Having almost bitten your tongue off completely trying to solve the situation as calmly as possible

You are then informed that these absolute retards — (again, I hate this word but for the sake of emphasis on incompetence) — have actually made a mistake and reluctantly let you “pass go.”

Meanwhile, the entire judgmental crowd behind you continue to transmit dirty looks, and you hear chuntering the rest of your unpleasant worryful journey.

As If Separation Wasn’t Enough?

Just when you think it is all over, the saga continues!

Get ready for yet another palava when you arrive at your destination.

Aaand . . . you think it couldn’t get any worse . . .

When it comes to retrieving your poor patient friend [who has been dosed up on tranquilizers, packed in a box and then shipped around on an unknown uncomfortable rickety giant machine for hours, just wanting food and cuddles — oh yeah, and some familiarity] — here comes the real scare:

Trying to do so in a country where you cannot speak the language and having to undergo the mind-blowing stress of being informed that there happens to be some form of mishap.

It’s that feeling, you know? The one in the pit of your stomach? Your heart is in your mouth? You handed your pet over to someone else. The responsibility of your loved one is regretfully passed over to some random. You trusted them to take care of him/her. And you didn’t have a choice.

Lucky for most, a lot of situations are resolved — after time and stress (which is the last thing anyone wants when traveling). But mostly, it’s a sigh of relief “phew,” and the whole intense inconvenience is over swiftly and you are reunited.

Stress Central Is Over . . . For Now . . .

Later, however, the whole experience is repeated upon your return — if you have seriously bad luck, history can replay the nightmare. And it goes without saying — anxiety levels are high just at the idea of having to re-live everything you went through before!

And what if you must travel regularly? Are people with pets just supposed to stay home and forget their dreams? Is your life supposed to be so restricted for the sake of keeping your lifelong friendship?

The point is one lousy experience sets a standard and the mind automatically switches into the assumption that these occurrences will happen every time and leaves zero space for faith.

In other words, it put people off wanting to put themselves (and everybody else) through the ordeal again. The mind immediately shudders and tries to find a way to avoid the scenario.

It’s Time To Relieve Stress


As demonstrated in this one particular example — you can see four affected parties that endure this confusing codswallop of a faff.

1. You and your party

2. Your animal(s)

3. The regulators and workers

4. Anyone waiting in line

What Zkylos are about to achieve is relieving a hell of a lot of people from this faff by implementing a system that is guaranteed to cause for swift administrative procedures which will then influence all surrounding operations and create convenience for those involved.


Here is a team pushing for one-click processes and ease so that their community can relax and know that they are in a stress-free zone liberated from the anxiety of having such a dark clouded possibility that one day — somewhere down the line — there might be an error that will cost you your beloved pet altogether.

If you believe in a better way to solve these issues and have a pet — or you happen to be one of the subjects mentioned above who has participated in some horrifying ordeal which has taken place reflecting the example given in this article — then please — write your thoughts below and share with us your story!

