Android zmNinja- Open Beta — please join

Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2016

12 August 2016


Click HERE to join the beta (need to have bought the app from play store first). And please shoot me an email when you join!

Holy Bugmarole! I released 1.2.0 a few days ago, after testing both debug and release builds thoroughly and I started driving home, with a nice cabernet with my name on it when I reached.

By the time I drove 15 minutes, I got 10 emails about the app not starting. Boom. As it turned out the app was not working for many folks. And this bug was not ubiquitous. It worked on some, didn’t on some devices.

To cut a long story short, there were two users who actually helped tremendously — Christopher Abramson and Tim Sharpe. While the others were busy taking out ratings in the playstore (don’t blame them!) these folks offered their help and after a lot of testing, we figured out that the DB change I implemented (for the better) was crashing only on some Android devices. And yes, there were some other errors too.

Anyway, I figure I can’t test on every possible device. And since zmNinja is login based, the “pre-launch report” of Android where the app is run on multiple devices doesn’t really help.

So from now on, I’m opening the beta program publicly. Please join by clicking on THIS link. And please shoot me an email when you join! This requires you to be a zmNinja Android customer. Once you have the play store app, join the beta program, and you’ll get beta updates. You can leave this program anytime by visiting the same link.

Love for you to help (pretty please!) — by testing betas, so I can avoid disasters like this (and save on many hours of my nights).

Oh and Chris and Tim, thanks for your patience — happy to take you out for beer (or wine) if we ever meet!

(PS: If you know what ‘logcat’ is, and don’t think its a form of a furry cat, and have ‘adb’ you will make it to my hall of fame)





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