No Soup For You!

Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2017

Seinfeld fans would remember this iconic episode, titled the “Soup Nazi” (video)

Well, zmNinja is a bit like that too. I love for users to use it and help me improve it. I also appreciate your support (via app purchases and donations). But I’m fine if I lose users I don’t want to keep.

Here are some facts:

  1. The money I make via zmNinja is a very tiny fraction of the amount of time I spend developing it. And that’s okay — I develop it because I like to do it.
  2. But that also means I’m not going to take crud from folks who decide to diss the app in reviews while leaving their manners behind & without even attempting to reach out. ZoneMinder is a complex system and the APIs add another layer of complexity to get right. I totally get if the app doesn’t work for you. But it works well, for most people, including me. If you are facing issues in the app, consider being decent:
  • Shoot me an email first — I am very proactive with support. Not because its making me more money, but because I want the app to work for you.
  • Or create a github issue
  • I publish source code (so you can compile the mobile app yourself) and offer the desktop version free for a reason — I encourage you to get your hands dirty.
  • If I am not able to resolve your issue, by all means, then diss the app in the review. But show me the courtesy of reaching out first.

Which brings me to:

3. I don’t really need you to buy the app. I’d like you to, but if it doesn’t work for you, please get a refund from Google or if you are out of time, shoot me an email and I’ll refund. But if you do act like a douche (north american usage there, of the word), I’ll call you out and ask you to behave.

Like when you post stuff like this, don’t expect me to be nice just because you paid $4.99. Happy to refund — shoot me an email, like I said.

Or this:




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