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Zocdoc Engineering Blog
Zocdoc Introduces Vaccine Scheduler, a Free Service that Helps Hospitals, Health Systems and…
Zocdoc Introduces Vaccine Scheduler, a Free Service that Helps Hospitals, Health Systems and…
This new service, offered free-of-charge, will stage and schedule vaccines for frontline healthcare employees and eligible patients
Jan 15, 2021
Zocdoc’s Turnaround: From an Unsustainable Path to Profitable Growth
Zocdoc’s Turnaround: From an Unsustainable Path to Profitable Growth
Our five-year journey included a CEO change, a business model transformation, and a global pandemic. Now, we are poised to lead the next…
Oct 15, 2020
Zocdoc’s first-ever prime time TV ad campaign highlights the pain of being a patient outside of…
Zocdoc’s first-ever prime time TV ad campaign highlights the pain of being a patient outside of…
This national campaign rolls out as Zocdoc has significantly expanded its nationwide provider network thanks to its new business model…
Oct 12, 2020
Zocdoc releases insights into healthcare recovery booking trends amid COVID-19
Zocdoc’s aggregated appointment booking data highlights surges in mental health care, differing telehealth utilization by specialty, and…
Oct 12, 2020
Zocdoc introduces Zocdoc Video Service: a free, HIPAA-compliant telehealth video service any…
As COVID-19 accelerates America’s adoption of telehealth, Zocdoc’s new, free video solution makes it simple for providers to rapidly shift…
Oct 12, 2020
Zocdoc introduces critical mass of new virtual appointments to address surging patient demand for…
Zocdoc now offers scheduling for +350,000 new Video Visit appointments across 50 specialties, helping patients access care from home while…
Oct 12, 2020
Keeping patients and providers safe and supported through COVID-19
Zocdoc was founded with a mission to give power to the patient. Since 2007, we have been focused on building the underlying infrastructure…
Oct 12, 2020
About Zocdoc Inc.
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