EpiPath’s complete end-to-end solution for Back-to-Work, School, and Community

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5 min readDec 3, 2020

EpiPath gives Businesses Contact Tracing, Testing, and Reporting Options

EpiPath™ is a community-driven contact-tracing solution that helps people get back to school, work, and communities with everyone’s health, safety, and privacy in mind. EpiPath is the social distancing, contact tracing, monitoring, and reporting solution to protect the workplace and communities.

The EpiPath super app can be customized to meet an organization’s requirements. Its complete and comprehensive end-to-end solution is a seamless unification of testing and tracing that can be integrated with a social information network and health advisory portal to keep users informed and protected. Options like Digital Wallet, Marketplace, Services, Secure Chat, Social Media, News, Live TV, and Classifieds are available for integration. EpiPath’s contact tracing reminds users to socially distance and makes it easy to report symptoms, tests, and possible exposure to their workplace, school, or organization.

EpiPath™ Contact Tracing Options

EpiPath provides businesses with a choice in implementing the right contact tracing solution for their workforce, customers, or communities.

With Automatic Contact Tracing, EpiPath exchanges Bluetooth signals that record anonymous contacts among EpiPath users. EpiPath is activated automatically by geofencing when users enter the perimeter of their building or campus. Contact tracing is automatically turned on. Users are never identified or tracked. No SIM or mobile numbers are used for tracking. Blockchain ensures privacy and anonymity, as beacons are encrypted to protect the user. When a positive test is reported, EpiPath pushes notifications to all those who were in close proximity with that person within the past 14 days. The dashboard gives users an easy way to manage their health with information on social exposure time, heat map for occupancy levels, testing and reporting, and social information network to keep them informed and safe.

With QR Code Contact Tracing, businesses can easily manage onsite risk levels by tracing members and visitors entering their facilities. A patron entering a small business, retail store, hotel, or restaurant can show their EpiPath QR code for the business to scan upon entry. EpiPath records the event with a timestamp onto the blockchain, thus creating an immutable record of the event. When a positive test for COVID-19 is reported, EpiPath pushes notifications to all users who were in contact with that person within the 14 days of possible exposure and directs them to the appropriate next steps.

In a reverse scenario, upon arriving at the place of business a patron can scan the business QR code into their EpiPath app. EpiPath then records the event with a timestamp onto the blockchain, thus creating an immutable record of the event. Scanning the business QR code gives patrons the option not to share their QR codes. The patron will be asked to scan the business’s QR code onto their EpiPath app. If a positive case is reported, the same process follows and EpiPath pushes notifications to all patrons who have visited the establishment during that window of time. This option allows small businesses to implement easily and quickly. The only requirement is for users to download the EpiPath app, allow for Notifications, and self-report if they test positive, have symptoms, or have had possible exposure. Bluetooth is not required to be turned on for this tracing option to work. Sign-in is not required to use this feature.

EpiPath™ Testing and Reporting Options

EpiPath makes it easy for users to report symptoms, tests, and possible exposure to their school or organization. Businesses and organizations can choose to enable testing and reporting options that fit their requirements. EpiPath can be enabled for users to report test options issued by their organization or from other sources like their hospital, health clinic, doctor, or laboratory. Test samples collected from home kits can be reported through the app and sent via transportation options secured by the organization. EpiPath can support most virus testing like nasal swabs collected at a medical facility or lab, or saliva and nasal samples collected at home and sent to a lab. For home test samples that are sent to a lab, EpiPath will send a notification to the user when the test result is ready and viewable in the app. Antibody testing can also be reported in the app, for both blood samples collected at a medical facility or lab and blood samples collected and reported from home. Test kits and PPE can even be ordered from the app.

EpiPath™ Onsite Testing Options

EpiPath can also be enabled for onsite testing done at the facility. Point-of-Entry Testing such as thermal temperature scan, Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) that provides rapid results within half an hour, and/or QR code scan can be performed on-premise. Additionally, Safe Zone Perimeters for employees who have tested negative can be established for those passing point-of-entry. Same protocols can be established for visitors and delivery by establishing Visitor Meeting Rooms for those waiting at point-of-entry. Test results are reported in the user’s app Advisory Portal, and those showing negative test results are then granted entry.

With EpiPath, organizations have options in configuring the right contact tracing, testing, and reporting protocols for their back-to-work, school, or community strategy. EpiPath can be integrated with existing solutions or used as a stand-alone app. Options such as digital wallet, marketplace, services, secure chat, social media, and news are available for integration. EpiPath is easy to use, protects user privacy, and gives businesses peace of mind with their reopening strategy.

Learn more about EpiPath™ by visiting https://EpiPath.io/.

EpiPath is available for download through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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