♏️SCORPIO Weekly Horoscope: 19 – 25 February 2024🦂

The Black Horoscope
Zodiac Facts
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024

Come on, Scorpio, you’re at a point in your life where you need to do whatever it takes to move forward. You have the tools, you have the desire and the motivation, but you know you need to start using them. Don’t let this fall on deaf ears, don’t let this remain just an idea. This week you have to set out to put it into practice, study the different paths you are going to take and take action in whatever way you can. You are coming out of a season in which everything has been too stagnant, but now you are going to be the one to give excitement to your life.

This week give yourself time to trust again… If you are already a very distrustful person, when you see certain mistakes on the part of others, it’s hard for you to trust again. But, Scorpio, calm down, it is clear that it is not easy to gain your trust, but don’t be your worst enemy now. Think positive, you don’t have to trust a certain person, but trust that things will work out, one way or another, but they will.

It is going to be an intense week, in which you will have to face situations that make you a little lazy. Above all, with people you don’t fully accept. This is where your inner strength has to come out and fight against your darker side. If it were up to you, you’d tell everyone to go fuck themselves very quickly. But you can’t go through life like this, Scorpio, because you would sink too low and lower yourself to the level of others. This week, even if you don’t feel like dealing with certain people, a smile and super polite words will be the best response.

It’s true that your heart and your whole body need a little more love and affection lately, Scorpio. If you have a partner, you feel a little disconnected and if you are single, it’s like you can’t find someone to give you what you deserve. This week do a little bit of your part and give yourself to the fullest. Have a good week.



The Black Horoscope
Zodiac Facts

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