Zodium x Polkastarter AMA Recap

Zodium Community
Zodium Community
Published in
8 min readNov 29, 2021

Hi Zodium Community!

On Wednesday, November 24th, Jett Yeom, Head of Business Development at Zodium took part in the AMA hosted by Polkastarter’s Telegram Community. He was welcomed by Beatriz Albernaz, CM at Polkastarter to engage in a Q&A session about Zodium ahead of the upcoming IDO on the 2nd of December.

This blog post is a detailed recap of the AMA session for those who missed the live session to catch up!

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Hi everyone and welcome to another exciting Polkastarter AMA, this time with Jett Yeom, CSO from Zodium. Welcome Jett Yeom and thank you for taking the time today to join us! 🤗

[Jett — Zodium Team]: First of all, I would like to thank Polkastarter for organizing today’s AMA. My name is Jett Yeom and I’m in charge of the business development at Zodium. Pleasure to meet you all :)

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Alright, we’ll first have a few questions to Jett directly, before we open it up for community questions. Let’s get started! 🚀

Jett Yeom, can you first introduce yourself?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Sure, I represent CSO at Zodium, working closely with Business Development. I was always captivated by developing ideas and turning it into both profitable and meaningful business, and Zodium is certainly the best project that fascinated me.

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Can you tell us more about the vision behind Zodium, and why are you launching it?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Inspired by the zodiac myths, Zodium first began with the creation of the characters named the “”12 KINDs.””

Our founder, Sean Yoon who also was a co-founder of the legendary LINE FRIENDs, came up with all the contents and stories behind the 12 KINDs.

Subsequently, because 12 zodiac animals and star signs are based on one’s date of birth, we realized that our characters are relevant to every person. Hence we thought that we could add special value to our NFT through the individual connection between the user and the NFT; and by providing play to earn games for the NFT holders, we dreamed of maximizing the user experience.

We want to introduce a new game ecosystem by connecting users to the characters they play and to become a global project that tells a unique story in multiple business sectors, including NFT, game, animation, and various IP businesses.”

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Polkastarter are big believers that the team and talent behind the project is one of the most important factors for success. Tell us more about the team behind Zodium, and how your experience has led you here?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Our team consists of world-class storytellers, designers, programmers, business and blockchain developers.

And, we have a superb capability and profound experience of creating characters and turning them into a very lucrative business. In addition, we have an internal team building impeccable quality metaverse games too.

I also want to point out that our team’s priority is ensuring Zodium’s ecosystem is clear and sustainable in a long-term perspective. Of course, my experience in business development and marketing helped me to cooperate with my team.

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: So let’s talk about Zodium competitive advantage. What differs you from other similar projects?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Based on our IP business capability and experience, we are ready to build our 12 KINDs characters as global IP via animations, goods, shops and collaboration. This will create the intrinsic value of NFT based on autonomous community culture. Furthermore, we have set a business strategy to launch 20 different mini-games based on each content concept. I also want to emphasize our product uniqueness: Meta-Connection and Soul Zodiac.

The Soul Zodiac is the second highest tier in our NFT. It is a very special grade you can earn when you acquire the third-legendary tier NFT, via drawing our NFT card pack, and that acquired NFT’s astrological and animal sign matches with your date of birth. So, there is only one Soul Zodiac per user, and if you get the Soul Zodiac, there are in-game benefits where you can get stronger and get more rewards.

Through the Soul Zodiac, you are connected to NFT used in the game and you can get exclusive benefits. We call this phenomenon a “Meta Connection.”

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Can you tell our community a bit more about ZODI token?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: In Zodium’s ecosystem, there are two types of tokens and a game point used in the game.

First, ZODI is a governance token. It is like currency used in the ecosystem where the more ZODI you have, the more voting power you have.

ZODI token is also used for maximizing yields that are generated from the ecosystem by staking ZODI. ZODI token gamefi ecosystem is unique in that it is designed to be guild community driven dynamic yield.

For example, the more guild members stake in guild staking vault together, the more yield they can generate. ZODI gamefi ecosystem adopts this guildfi dinamic all over and this is what differentiates it from other P2E gamefi eco and I believe it can bring major impact on gamefi ecosystem.

Second is Zodium’s game utility token CHARIS. Users can earn CHARIS as rewards for winning battles and use CHARIS for various activities in the game, such as crafting weapons. (Crafting weapons means minting weapons.)

CHARIS is a fair-launch token that can only be minted upon rewarding winning battle and will be burned when used.

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: We’d love to hear a bit more about your upcoming roadmap. What key features are you developing?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Among many other things, right now our team’s urgent mission is making sure our game is enjoyable, sustainable, and user-friendly. Also, we are planning to launch our metaverse platform and mini-games during the first half of 2022.

Also, Because Zodium’s philosophy is based on zodiac animals and star signs, we do not want Zodium to be somewhat difficult for the users in the Western culture so we are doing our best to make sure that the users find Zodium as something fresh and new.

In light of this, we are going to collaborate with our Western partners in various sectors and we hope to have many events which weren’t traditionally available in the blockchain market by utilizing the fun part of our product with our strength in IP.

Feel free to try our psychological test we have put out few months ago 😊 https://doda.app/quiz/eE5cvrM3Ho?tm=7731df5e"

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Awesome!

Could you please share the link with our community as well as your social media channels, so they can make sure to follow you and be kept up to date on your progress?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Sure! Feel free to find out more about Zodium!

WebSite: https://zodium.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/zodium

Discord: https://discord.gg/zodium

Medium: https://medium.com/@zodium

Telegram Announcement: https://t.me/zodiumofficial"

[Beatriz — Polkastarter CM]: Great, thank you Jett Yeom!

Let’s open the chat for a brief window to give our community a chance to ask their questions, and don’t forget, Jett Yeom will pick the best question and giveaway one whitelist spot!


QUESTION 1 : I always see the word metaconnection hashtagged on Twitter, and I’m impressed that it expresses a new tone for the metaverse. I have high hopes for the Zodium metaverse, and I’m curious to what extent the current development progress is being implemented.

[Jett — Zodium Team]: We are developing Zodim’s metaverse product on the UNREAL ENGINE 5. Furthermore, we plan to ensure that other NFT projects can also join Zodium’s Open-Metaverse on one of our Battlefields on the planet Trunico. Interoperability with other blockchain games will be a future plan to create a mega-metaverse down the line.

I delivered details on ZODI and CHARIS, but for AQUA, AQUA is not a token, but rather it is a game point for the guild. You can earn AQUA as a reward from winning team or individual battles. Additionally, you can use AQUA to boost the guild. To simply put, AQUA is a game point used to decide which guild is the best.

All you need is one 12 KINDs NFT in any of the five tiers to play our games. As you have made it clear, one of the problems for the p2e games is that some people cannot afford to play; that’s why we designed five different NFT tiers and enabled an upgrading function.

Although you will get more benefit if you have a higher level of NFT, you will still be able to enjoy our game at an affordable cost with Common tier NFT, earn along the way and upgrade into the higher tier.

Question 2: If you look at the — use allocation of treasury — in the white paper, the guild prize is 20%, I see a lot of focus on the guild. Is there a special reason for group compensation rather than individual compensation? Also, are there any concerns about the monopoly of a specific group seen in other games?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: The “12 KINDs Guild” plays a vital role in Zodium. Your zodiac character NFT determines which Guild you will belong to. If your Guild becomes the final winner from the Guild competition, you will earn 20% from Treasury of Zodium as rewards depending on your individual contribution.

There will be team-based or individual-based Guild competitions with mini games and when you win, you will get CHARIS and AQUA as a reward.

The Guild with the most AQUA at the end of the competition season is the Winner Guild. For more details, please refer to the ’12 KINDs Guild’ section from the link here https://whitepaper.zodium.io/glossary.

Question 3: One of the important things in coin projects is a partnership with VC, which you invested in by trusting the project. Please introduce your partnership with VC, which you invested in by trusting Zodium.

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Zodium has raised around $3.5M from great investors who work very close with us. Here are the lists: Animation Internationals, Polygon Syndicate, Morningstar Ventures, Bybit, AU21, UVA, HG Ventures, IOST, Astronaut Capital, Tayssir Capital, Loopring Protocol, TPX Ventures, Kyros Ventures, Vanda Capital, Evernew Capital, Momentum 6, and Terabtye.

We will be announcing more great partnerships in the near future :)

Question 4: Can you make something like a rare animal using the interbreeding system?

[Jett — Zodium Team]: Right now, we plan to stick with the 12 Zodiac Animals. However, we are building OPEN-METAVERSE and going to use our “ZERO NFT” to invite third-parties and possibly other famous NFT projects too.

For those of you who are not familiar with ZERO, ZERO, conceptually, is the home and the origin of our 12 KINDs characters and is capable of evolving into any spiritual beings.

On behalf of Zodium, I appreciate all the great questions!

