The Zog Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2017


When you start a new job with flexible working hours, it feels like a big win. You can sleep in when necessary, work in the way that best suits you, and have heads down time when you need it the most. Working from home can be great, but it can also be a disaster.

I was a few years out of college and learned quickly that working from home was not something to be taken lightly. I’ll never forget my brother visiting my apartment at 2:30pm and finding me in pajamas surrounded by Oreo debris and pistachio shells. I was fielding back-to-back calls as I paced back and forth from the bed to the kitchen through strewn papers. The heavens and my brother called forth, “What… is wrong with you?!”

Not a pretty sight.

Working from home? Pro: I got to sleep in. Con: See above.

I wish I was exaggerating, but my first few weeks of transitioning from traditional office life to home office life looked like the disaster described above. The good news is I learned how to make it great and love working from home:

1) I set up a work station

It’s important to set up a work station, whether it be an office, specific table, or even a corner of your apartment that is solely dedicated to work. Be sure to invest in your work area and buy the supplies you need. A stapler, tape, highlighters, or printer are things you may miss once you leave the office, and it’s important to provision your work space at home to help you be productive and do your job well.

Note: Many companies will reimburse you for this expense. Ask your HR department.

2) I exercised (or at least showered) in the morning

Although it sounded great to wait five minutes before a conference call to roll out of bed, it’s even better to wake up, get the adrenaline flowing and start the day fresh. This can be through a workout (my personal favorite), walking to pick up coffee, or even picking up dry cleaning. Just get up and move!

3) I made it a priority to talk with someone every day

Whether you set a plan to talk to a friend on the phone, speak to the coffee barista, or talk to your doorman, make it a priority to talk with someone. Even if your former office was not a very social environment, you will miss human interaction when working from home.

4) I planned my meals

Breaking News: snacking on Oreos and pistachios all day isn’t good for you! Plan on eating your normal daily meals, just like you would if you were leaving your house to go to work. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to keep healthy snacks around.

5) I kept my home — or at least my work area — clean

Treat your work area like you would a traditional office. Make sure it’s organized and tidy so your materials are accessible and your brain isn’t cluttered.

6) I set strict work boundaries

It’s very easy to log on early and log off late, and then answer emails and draft version 2.0 while watching The Bachelorette. When you work from home, you must set boundaries to separate work life from home life. Set a start time and a stop time, which means actually shutting down your computer! Also, track your to do lists, set daily goals and stay organized. Apps like todoist, trello, and asana can keep you honest and help you manage your time.

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