(Soccer) Field of Dreams

Ashley Merdinger
The Zog Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

ZogSports exists to create connections, build caring communities, and infuse a sense of play into people’s lives. Kellie and Bobby met in a ZogSports Outdoor Soccer league in 2013 and next September, they will be married. Stories like theirs are the reasons we do what we we do.

Kellie and Bobby met in a ZogSports soccer league and now they’re getting married!

My fiance and I met each other about four years ago during the outdoor soccer season in the summer of 2013. From the day that I met him, I was immediately attracted to him, especially his sense of humor. As a new member of a team who had been together for a number of seasons, I was a little nervous to join this tight-knit group of friends. Bobby, the captain, immediately welcomed me to the team with open arms. He always made sure I felt included and before I knew it, I was surrounded by a new group of friends. A few months after my first season playing with the team, Bobby and I started dating. In May of 2014, Bobby went in to the hospital for immediate intestinal surgery, and remained in the hospital for almost a week. It was there, in that hospital room, surrounded by Bobby’s friends and family, with some of whom I had met for the very first time, that I confirmed just how strong my feelings for this man were. My heart ached seeing him in the hospital bed, and I never wanted any harm to ever come to this special person. After being released from the hospital, Bobby continued to attend our games and cheer on our team from the sidelines as he went through his recovery process. His continued support for the team and his passion for the sport was something I always admired about him.

These last few years have been filled with more joy than I could have ever anticipated in my life. Bobby has brought me more happiness than he could possibly know, and has increased my spirituality and overall quality of life. His kind and caring nature makes me want to be a better person every day, and he makes my stomach ache from all the laughing that I do whenever I am in his company. His positive energy is contagious, and he always manages to put a smile on everyone’s face whenever he speaks to them. And the best part is, I don’t even think he realizes what a gift he is to everyone he encounters.

He is, without a doubt, the best thing that has ever happened to me. And if it hadn’t been for Zog Sports, I would have never met my best friend, my teammate, my soulmate.

Thank you, Zog!

Congratulations Kellie and Bobby!

