ZoidPay Monthly Update: Listing Status, iOS Airdrop and more

Ştefan Alexandru Băluţ
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021


Wow, what a fantastic ride this is. Until recently the ZoidPay community was a small group of believers and tech enthusiasts, friends and family who supported us along the way.

Now, thanks to the tremendous success of the Android airdrop campaign, the community has skyrocketed: in just 1 week we have reached 100,000+ users!

Our social media channels have experienced tenfold growth in this short period of time, with tens of thousands of new followers on all of our channels.

We are grateful to the community since this success is owed to you.

Current Listing Status

The question that is on everybody’s lips is about listing!

As many of you already know, there are two possible ways to list a cryptocurrency or a token: on a DEX (decentralized exchange), or on a well known centralized exchange.

The great news about ZPAY is that we will pursue both paths.

Speaking about DEX, we will list ZPAY on TomoDEX, the exchange of our partners from TomoChain.

The TomoChain blockchain and product ecosystem enable development of high-performance blockchain projects. An array of original features and protocols is designed to support speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

Right now we have ensured listing on TomoDEX, and we have also started several discussions with centralized exchanges.

The listing process can sometimes be concluded very fast, but this often results in listing on an exchange that is not a top 10, or even a top 20 exchange. So we are aiming for the best possible exchanges to list ZPAY.

A lot of work has been put in the ZoidPay project, which will bring a lot of value in the future for the DeFi and Payments industries, therefore we wish to maintain a certain standard for us and for the community.

Priorities for the next 5 weeks

Our journey is on course with the roadmap, and we will start outreaching to as many high quality exchanges as possible.

We will discuss the listing process of ZPAY and thoroughly go through all the required steps.

In the next weeks we will also be heavily focused on product development. We are actively improving our product, supporting the roadmap that we have announced, but also based on the valuable community feedback.

The ZoidPay Wallet iOS Airdrop has begun!

We are delighted to announce that the official ZoidPay Wallet iOS airdrop is live!

Similar to the Android airdrop, we have prepared an airdrop for iOS users as follows:

· 4,000,000 ZPAY are allocated for the iOS airdrop

· The airdrop will last until we reach 100,000 users…

· Or until the 30 day limit

· The airdrop begins today, Monday, 29th of March.

Follow the below steps and you & your friends can earn ZPAY tokens:

1. Download the ZoidPay app, create an account and earn 30 ZPAY;

2. Follow us on our social channels — 5 ZPAY;

3. Invite your friends to download the app — 5 ZPAY / friend

Join the referral campaign now: https://bit.ly/3m144zC

See a full video tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBlH3YyQg78&ab_channel=ZoidcoinNetwork

The campaign is going to last for one month or until we reach 100,000 downloads.

!!! Caution: people who will try to bend the rules and gain more than what they are supposed to, will be automatically disqualified. We do not tolerate cheating.

Thank you for your support

We cannot thank our community enough for their support throughout these years. We are breaking more and more milestones and this is thanks to our amazing team who is working relentlessly and giving their best to the project, as well as you, the community.

Stay tuned + Contact

All of the above will be rolled out soon, so make sure to stay tuned for the upcoming updates. Also, if you represent a top 10 or a top 20 cryptocurrency exchange, feel free to send us a proposal at support@zoidcoin.network.


