How Web3 can be integrated with our daily lives?

Anand Ajikumar
Zoksh Pay
Published in
4 min readFeb 9, 2022

Over the last couple of years, we can see that we’re slowly moving towards an era where everything is virtual. This ranges from movies, games, activities, and even the outfit that we wear. This year is proof that Web3 will be the future as Facebook changed its name to Meta in preparation for the metaverse, NFTs got a significant boost, Cryptocurrencies are at an all-time high, and so and so forth.

Web3 integration

The world’s tech is constantly evolving, we have come a long way from building a machine for arithmetic calculations that were so huge that it could fill up a room. Nowadays, we can make calculations from a simple thing like a watch.

The same goes for the worldwide web. Initially, when it was introduced, it was focused more on consumers of content. These were mainly pages that were static and hosted on ISP-run web servers. They were built using Common Gateway Interface.

The next evolution came in the form of Web 2.0, which focused on user-generated content and enhanced interoperability for end users. This web made the breakthrough into social media and all its related content. It was developed with AJAX and JavaScript frameworks.

The future of the world wide web is moving onto Web3, by this evolution, the blockchain will be integrated with the worldwide web. By doing so, the users have complete freedom over their transactions. This is done by transforming the whole web into a database. Moreover, the integration of AI can help with all the information as well as transactions in real-time.

NFTs are the Trump Cards

One of the most heard terms that have been trending since 2021 is NFT. They are called Non-Fungible Tokens. These have a magnitude of purposes. NFTs can be an image that can be physical or digital, audio, video, etc. Whatever comes to your mind can be made into an NFT. So how will NFTs dominate our lifestyle? Once the masses adopt it, It can be anything from a fashion statement to exclusive concert tickets. Since they use blockchain technology, all the transactions can be verified. For this to work meticulously, Web3 technology will be used and all the websites will be updated to suit it.

The Metaverse

A virtual world where anyone can escape reality and live a life for themselves. This is the concept of the Metaverse. The development of AR and VR tech has been going on for almost a decade. This means that the demand for it has been steadily rising. The movie “Ready Player One” shows how the future turns out. A digital world where people won’t be judged is a dream come true for almost anyone. The concept can be made to reality using the current tech. The integration of NFTs and Web3 can drastically change the future as we know it.

Where Does MooPay Fit in?

MooPay stands for the people. MooPay promises the users to make use of all the Web3 related services without the need for any coding. All the finances can be managed by the users and all forms of currencies can be accepted. The icing on the cake is that all the transactions can be automated for a seamless experience for the user. Also, there isn’t any need for any custody, and can have instant settlements. What’s more, when users hold the MooPay token, they get a share of the action which means that 30% of the fee is distributed among the token holders. Also, users get guaranteed exclusive benefits as a bonus.

Find out more about MooPay here:

