AI isn’t coming… it’s here!

Andrew Zolnai
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2023
“How artificial intelligence will be used in East Road, Cambridge, to make it safer to cross the road” (Cambridge Independent)

Update: predecessor The future is digital… only it’s not what you think! sets the tone, and follow-on When is AI not AI? examines AI before it was called that.

Over 6 years ago in The robots aren’t coming… they’re here!, I wrote: I saw a non-anthropomorphic robotic future, where machine learning and AI will take on many of the business and technical functions. Fast forward exactly a year ago today this on YouTube… almost the same title as here!

And just yesterday the banner pic shows a local trial on using AI to predict pedestrian behaviour and help traffic safety — Greater Cambs. Partnership announcement here — goes to show that AI applications are here today.

That is the sort of thing I plan to engage in: Ten days ago I posted this on a fanbase WhatsApp group:

Had a great reconnect w my former nonprofit partner, with whom I could work on something new […]

Terry & I tried to bridge the digital divide in isolated rural East Anglia. But we died on the vine as all funds went to Brexit then Pandemic (Cottenham Open Manifesto). But UK is becoming a hub of AI, meaning there’s guv money we’ll try to tap into. [ See AI White Paper & AI regulation to add guardrails. ]

We’ll use artificial intelligence for good, not to help cheat by faking other works, or to decimate current repetitive jobs. We’ll rather use it to tease out relationships between government data stores. We plan to tear down digital walls currently bedeviling government agencies operating in data silos…
[ One notable exception is local to here:
Cambridgeshire Insight. ]

Right on cue, Microsoft’s search engine Bing launched capabilities to search in a conversational setting, which allows to refine search topics as suggest below the results window as links and as furhter suggestions:

Bing AI search in Chat mode

It also helps in a Compose mode more in depth searches such as that shown in the picture below. Not only returns result but explains it to mere mortals… Plus it interpreted what DOB meant, and it completed the question for me where I forgot to give a table name! The reason it’s posted there is that is the new direction our non-profit will take. Terry already registered the domain currently re-directing to a Wiki until further notice, stay tuned for further developments.

Bing AI search in Compose mode

Addendum: Look at the right hand margin of the Chat snapshot, and you’ll see an Image creator tool I tried for fun on the text I searched in the left hand side. You can see more on digital futures on my other channel here.

Bing AI search in Image Creator mode @ R, from search screen @ L

