Carbon footprint through time, II

Andrew Zolnai
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2019

Map using Equal Earth not Web Mercator projection

UN countries in Equal Earth on ArcGIS Online

In saying Map using proportional not choropleth symbology, my previous post showed a more appropriate way to convey CO2 emission without the distraction of country sizes that vary a lot.

But as Kenneth Field pointed out recently: Mercator, it’s not hip to be square. I found Equal Earth projection by @bojansavric and @MtnMapper very satisfying way to convey global data, such as in my CLIWOC historic tall ships maps and historic wind maps. Notice however those are videos not maps! Why? I couldn’t post them on in that projection… Until now.

Following instructions above to avoid Mercator projections, I did this:

  • created a UN Countries map in Equal Earth projection
  • published it as a vector tile in that projection (banner picture)
  • and simply posted atop it perCapita and TotalCO2 hosted layers

Note 1: my hosted layers all in WGS84 were all posted as Web Mercator

Note 2: perCapita & TotalCO2 are ordered then posted ‘time aware’ using an extra ‘time’ attribute per country in increasing PCsize & TCsize — this is a size NOT a time animation, it’s rather meant to show countries in increasing CO2 output.

The upshot is that maps post in geographically more sensible context… and I don’t have to create videos to show them!


Also changed my historic evolution of CO2 emissions web maps.

