The web is safer than the desktop

Andrew Zolnai
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2018
French rail network TGV app

I rode this weekend the bullet train to Paris that put Bordeaux within two hours. And did the French rail network worry about displaying speed and location to the public? No! The service (if not the pride) far outweighed the security concern in days of terrorists running over sidewalks and all that…

In my previous employ, Google in London showed me a plethora of security guarantees for corporate data. I myself host three 1/2M feature sets on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that post faster than on the desktop… without breaking the bank! And a friend at Microsoft challenged anyone to secure their network better than Azure or any other ISP, when all must meet mil-strength security to even be in the business.

Just last week Houston PPDM Data Expo, TapeARK demo’ed live seismic data acquisition from field to AWS: imagine cutting out the middle man (tape storage) to go straight to web? Only a secure protocol would allow any operator near that paradigm!

I cannot show their data of course, but a seismic data set using Geocap’s ESRI extension, posted using ESRI’s 3D WebScene to appear next month in the Geohipster calendar, shows such complex datasets online:

Also recently Alibaba, who just overtook Amazon by online trade volume, partnered with ESRI on cloud geo services. In other words, the train has left the station… better hop on fast!

The image processing and satellite imagery markets have grown exponentially in volume and accessibility, largely due to open data access from archives as well as current satellites. And machine learning on complex geology can only improve with such data access, as shown here during Geol. Soc. London’s Janet Watson 2018.

Last but not least, UK Oil&Gas Authority posted their data openly to stimulate North Sea interest. Here’s their seismic data portal by Geocap, whose app I used above.

None of this is worthwhile, however, if industry cannot be convinced it’s not only faster but also safer on the web than on the desktop.

This quick update gives a glimpse into what is possible today. Follow me here or my blog for further geodata news.

