Zombie Virus and the broader implications of #CoVid-19

Timothy Holborn
Published in
15 min readApr 2, 2020

Governments throughout the world have commenced actions, linked to what some I’ve seemingly seen suggest be a form of something they called ‘grey warfare’, leading to a remarkable situation. I am truly concerned.

The implication of a bio-hazardous threat spread by droplets that can infect someone with a deadly disease from proximity to others or touching something that others have touched; that may not only kill a person who becomes infected in that way, but may also be retransmitted to cause death of someone else, a loved one; strikes fear and panic into the hearts and minds of the masses.

On the 26th of March the world economic forum stated “Nearly 3 billion people around the globe under COVID-19 lockdowns” consequentially.

As this occurs Governments are rapidly making laws that may have long-lasting effects. Some look like ‘universal basic income’ policies that have been discussed over a long-period of time, others are far more worrying.

As we rapidly migrate to the matrix, as though we’re living in a matrix prequel illustrating how we got into the pods — visions reminiscent to a number of ‘Black Mirror’ episodes; it appears the issues about ‘fake news’ have been all but forgotten as the implications of these economic systems set-upon health; rather than electoral interferences. To remind people, here’s one quick video.

And here are some articles that show how some make money by causing panic.

I also remind people that amongst the most sensitive areas of ‘data’ is health information; whereby the availability of health-information is secured ordinarily by laws that are particularly concerned with keeping health information secret. This in-turn provides an enormous opportunity for others.

As humanity is segregated, isolated and connected to ‘the web’, knowledge of reality, as is influenced and/or manipulated by information, is of vital importance. This has its roots in the function of human consciousness.

“The distinction between reality and our knowledge of reality, between reality and information, cannot be made.”

Anton Zeilinger

Amongst the most notable examples of illustrated risk, note this excerpt from re:publica 2012 by Eben Moglen, a professor of law and legal history at Columbia University, and founder, Director-Counsel and Chairman of Software Freedom Law Center. (see full clip link here)

It is essential that the risk to life and causality of death and/or probability of death due to this new family of coronavirus strains known as CoVid-19, Sars-CoVid-19 and a number of other related #tags be dimensioned; as to distinguish these very particular clinical / illness problems to others, called clinically co-morbidity; and,

It is important to review, understand and if possible treat any linked threats to health that may undermine a person’s ability to survive a primary and/or secondary illness.

It is my opinion that there is a secondary phenomenon that has an array of important implications upon wellness, #ZombieVirus which is broken-up into an array of strains / exhibits (as described below), that have a causal health outcomes link on a primary and secondary basis that is impactful on quality of human life, human life-expectancy; and is correlated also to our means,

To address systemic and long-lasting natural world challenges that are impactful to the future sustainability of our natural world.

Firstly, it is most important to ‘switch on’ the ‘higher brain functions’. This is in response to something that is called a Amygdala hijack which basically puts a persons brain into ‘survival mode’ debilitating the ability to think rationally.

As to do so, my suggestion is that music improves mental health, and helps stimulate the means to get the brain functioning. As such, if you need a playlist; I’ve made one,

The first issue that is presently blanketing our media is CoVid-19 and there are an array of mistakes / misinformation being projected online, which in-turn is a cause of widespread anxiety. An example of this can be found when searching for information on the toilet-paper panic buying behaviour.

As is evident by doing more complicated searches online for specific ‘keywords’, an example post that related to a public discussion about ‘interbank monitoring’ yields an example discussion about toilet-paper shortages in 1973, long-before any other posts about toilet-paper shortages appear, seemingly around the start of Feb 2020 in Hong Kong attributed to a fake news information attack at around the 13th of Feb.

As this issue spread around the world, the vast majority of videos did not show that those engaging in supermarket combat over toilet-paper were doing so in a manner that lessened their susceptibility to the coronavirus disease itself; as that disease, doesn’t result in requiring more toilet-paper; but is brought about by exchanging ‘droplets’ that are dispersed via close-contact to others breathing heavily. Since this time actions to respond to corona-virus now impact us all. On the 11th of March the World Health Organisation (WHO) made the following statement / announcement recognising the existence of a pandemic.

We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus.

And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled, at the same time.

Source: WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19–11 March 2020

In-order to address the corona-virus (COVID-19) issues specifically; statistics are most important. These statistics must come from official sources and be formatted in a manner that will stand the test of time, as to ensure the response to COVID-19 does not incur additional jeopardy that may kill and/or seriously injure more people. Equally, an understanding of statistics and the meaningful ability to interpret stats is also vitally important.

To triage this problem; let’s start with the data.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is a website that uses Data sources from: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY, 1point3acres, Worldometers.info, BNO, state and national government health departments, and local media reports.

Google is also mapping the data via https://www.google.com/covid19-map/

In Australia, another site https://www.covid19data.com.au/ provides local information and statistics; noting that similar examples exist world-wide.

In evaluating this data it is important to consider the temporal (overtime) circumstances and volume of tests. Cases only appear after tests have been done for this specific virus. It may be the case that persons who attended medical appointments for cases suspected to be influenza could assist, but I presently do not know how to find and/or present these statistics for this year.

The importance of temporal evaluations include the following considerations

  1. Early / Initial tests (and positive cases) were most likely identified in acute cases, where patients were likely hospitalised for reasons unknown requiring tests; that in-turn resulted in identification of the disease in those patients. At this stage, statistically it would therefore appear to be far more deadly than what would otherwise be the case if broader populations (i.e.: those suffering from flu like symptoms) had all been tested at that time; which was not the case.
  2. Testing is very much ‘ramping up’, which means that the number of people who are CONFIRMED POSITIVE also increases (significantly) without necessarily implying that it is as deadly, as initial statistics (i.e.: from hospitals in relation solely with acute cases) may suggest.
  3. Additional, there are two statistical implications to be aware of; the first is that its been reported some ‘test kits’ are faulty and the second is about how to analyse statistics on the number of people who’ve ‘recovered’ where they’ve only had mild-cases (no hospitalisation, etc.). The problem is, that most people don’t go back to the doctor to announce that they’ve recovered from an illness; so how is this tracked?
Australian Statistics as of 2nd April 2020. These Australian Statistics both Historical via 3303.0 — Causes of Death, Australia, 2018 and current via links provided above. Note also: ABS DEATHS DUE TO INFLUENZA, 2017 and “Fast Facts“’ via The Influenza Specialist Group

Other examples illustrate numbers from the CDC with respect to the flu in the USA, whilst the world-health organisation publishes information on global statistics stating for instance; Up to 650.000 people die of respiratory diseases linked to seasonal flu each year which was published in 14 December 2017, long-before COVID-19 came about.

The next issue is that there is sadly, a staggering number of people who do not understand basic medicine very well at all.

I recently found myself in a dispute with a person who prosecuted the idea that the flu is not contagious. This is of course a misunderstanding by someone who does not have a basic understanding of health / medical considerations such as is linked to the flu. The underlying palpable problem was circumstantial fear…

This video from Sep 2015 by WSJ may be helpful for some people…

As these sorts of problems are well-known to be a problem, health officials have previously responded to this issue by seeking to provide clarifications around the difference between viral infections and bacterial infections in relation to the use of antibiotics due to the problem of antibiotic resistance, which impacts our capacity to treat issues that includes pneumonia, which is part of the problems that develop that leads to death with COVID-19 Patients.

So, the implications of societal issues linked to the ability for people to ‘fight-off’ and/or recover from COVID-19 should they be exposed to it, is more complex than simply considering the implications of human-contact itself.

Another critical piece of a broader series of requirements is mental wellness, which is also directly coupled to both the sense and reality of personal safety.

The implications upon the immune system can be studied via sources such as PubMed. I’ve quickly found some links, noting that there are many others.

  1. Stress-induced immune dysfunction: implications for health.
  2. The effects of chronic stress on health: new insights into the molecular mechanisms of brain–body communication.
  3. Psychobiological responses to social threat: evolution of a psychological model in psychoneuroimmunology.
  4. Outcome of influenza vaccination in combat-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) patients.
  5. Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among Toronto hospital workers one to two years after the SARS outbreak.
  6. Posttraumatic stress disorder in parents and youth after health-related disasters.

In summary; when people are freaking out, it has the effect of shutting down a person’s immune system and consequentially impairing the body’s ability to respond to a disease. In more simple terms, Time.com has an article “You Asked: Can a Breakup Make You Sick?” that illustrates the same sort of issue.

Social Abuse is declared to be “behaviour that aims to cut you off from your friends, family or community” by 1800 respect. Disinformation, #FakeNews, false statements causing undue fear, anxiety and panic is a form of human rights abuse. The way to solve this problem is to ensure people are provided fact based information that enables them to understand proportionate risks.

Those most disaffected are likely to be persons who most reject abuse, whilst the converse circumstance is true for abusers who may consider that they’ve been given ‘approval’ to up the ante and prosecute an agenda of control and manipulation upon those around them that they’re able subjugate in that way.

These issues are linked to what I call the ‘zombie virus’ which is a pandemic.

The Concept of the Zombie Virus has a number of ‘strains’ to it. The urban dictionary provides a descriptive definition of zombie in the following way


The Walking Dead. Scientific name Homo Coprophagus Somnambulus.

A deceased human being who has partially returned to life due to undeterminable causes. The brain retains base facilities, namely gross motor function. In its near-mindless state, it grasps no remains of emotion, personality, or sensation of pain. In rare cases, some of the reanimated have reflexively preformed routine activities from their past lives.

The rotting bodies of the undead operate on a fraction of the level at which our bodies normally function. Circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems are unaffected by reanimation. Labored breathing, choking, and moaning are reflexive but no oxygen is carried through the blood. The nervous system functions primarily within the brain and brain stem. Sensory reception is minimal at best and seemingly unecessary in the pursuit of prey. The undead are incapable of fatigue and will persist at any cost. They will even crawl when their legs have been removed. Even if the head is removed from the body, it will continue to live. The only way to stop the reanimated is to destroy the brain. To prevent reanimation in the recently departed, decapitate the corpse and burn the body.

The only observable action a zombie takes part in is killing living creatures, especially humans, and eating them. Many theories and speculations surround this disturbing behavior. One theory is based on the thought that reanimation is the result of a contagious infection or virus, and that the primal drive to feed will spread the disease to other host bodies. Research has shown that although the majority of zombie attacks result in fatal wounds, all corpses return to life soon after passing, regardless of cause of death. Another theory is that zombies eat the brains of the living to refuel the “un-life” giving chemical serotonin. Because digestive and circulatory systems are incapable of bringing these elements to the brain, this just cannot be true. The final speculation seems the most obvious, that the dead feed for sustenance to satiate their unnatural metabolism. But because the gut has no function in the undead, this is also false. One documented encounter claims that a zombie was unable to move due to the sheer mass of undigested flesh resting in its distended gut. The creature continued to eat even after it’s gut had burst open. Studies regarding the nature of feeding have proven that zombies will try to eat when their stomachs and even jaws have been removed. One explanation offers that the walking dead are the incarnation of death itself, a mockery of life that uses the vessels of the living to carry out their dark intentions, they are the opposite of life and are driven to simply undo it.

“When there’s no more room in hell, the dead shall walk the earth.”

Other definitions can be found with a google search, however as far as i’m aware no formal association between the very old nomenclature relating zombies to ‘web slavery’ and other detrimental AI linked situations has afaik, been formally produced; noting, more considerations are v.much welcomed.

Presently, consideration about various categories of zombies are as follows;

  • Brain Raping Zombies: consent is not considered at all for ‘false facts’

These examples are closely linked to Brain Eating Zombies: people with false facts, compelling others to be controlled by fictions, who have in-turn been infected by a brain-raping zombie as to be compelled to act in a particular way.

Examples are more easily provided in relation to the recent US elections, where it was found that Macedonian kids figured out that ‘fake news’ engendering fear resulted in more views and therefore more advertising income.

  • Mummies: an example of the impacts of ‘brain eating zombies’, who most-likely consumed and/or shared ‘fake news’ without being able to discern ‘fiction’ / ‘non-fiction’ categorisation as a constituent of their infection event; which is illustrated as a person who’ve had their brain eaten, and have been compelled to engage in hostile panic shopping, purchasing vast quantities of toilet-paper and other things they believe is critically important for their survival. This is one of many illustrative examples.
  • MobZombies: Mob Zombies are amongst the more dangerous problems, as the herd acts of mob-zombies — even if they’re charging off a cliff, will endanger anyone who tries to get in their way.
  • Anyone not in the mob, may well be trampled before the herd goes off the cliff. This is a particularly social dimension linked to media and the ability for persons to form a meaningful understanding of their situation; which in-turn has a meaningful relationship, like ‘herd immunity’ but also illustratively shown as to have more than one implication overall.

The problem is, as is exampled in some regions by experience of persons now trying to buy toilet-paper after mummy outbreaks, who emptied shelves; is that it is later found that it would have been better for those needing toilet-paper to have contracted the zombie virus earlier - as to ensure they got the toilet-paper when it was available.

This problem, the problems linked to what I call the ‘zombie virus’ has real-world impacts are is worsened by media that causes people to feel unsafe, to be threatened; to act upon information that compels them to act in a particular way which has no real-world relationship to protection from COVID-19 itself; but rather, undermines our society and its ability to act.

The possible answer to this is similar to Contact Tracing COVID, in that it would be ideally the case that we can perform contact tracing on interactions with the most infectious zombies (brain raping zombies in particular) as to trace and track outbreaks and correlating symptoms with causality factors.

We, as a society need to be very cautious about the zombie virus, it has the potential to bring-down liberalised democracies world-wide causing long-term impacts that will symptomatically impact cause of death statistics for 2020 and if this is not provided a treatment method soon, possibly years more. This is called an Amygdala Hijack which brings about a health-concern of having to be aware of how to control “persistent surges of adrenaline can damage your blood vessels, increase your blood pressure, and elevate your risk of heart attacks or stroke. It can also result in anxiety, weight gain, headaches, and insomnia.” (source: healthline)

This is in-turn why i believe, it is critically important to address the zombie-virus pandemic which is spread via media / online systems causing meaningful health impacts to members of our human family. Whilst the means to ensure there is an underlying capacity to treat the biological threat CoVid-19; this isn’t the only thing that’s happening, and our values are important to us. Threats to those values, causes harm, debilitating our ability as individuals and as a society to meet costs put upon us to recover from disease. The Zombie Virus is very different to the CoronaVirus itself.

The way to treat zombie virus is by targeting ‘fear factories’ and ensuring facts are available in a manner that doesn’t misrepresent and/or undermine sense-making. At worst, if this is not achieved; we may end-up seeking to trust international media companies and other private corporations more than our governments; who are presently not really available, as the world migrates to the matrix — in lock-down, put at jeopardy of primary and secondary exposure to the zombie virus in a way that’s quite possibly able to cause harm.


IF there is a campaign in the public sphere from creatives linking exhibits of social-abuse to media that links their behaviour to that of a zombie, and that this is achieved in a manner that does not steer away from facts; whilst ensuring that there is an alternative to watching ‘panic media’, that is uplifting to the spirit, empowering to human agency & thought-ware, then we are far more likely to end-up with a much better outcome than otherwise.

The zombie virus issue has been around for a while, but its never been applied as to cause the sorts of problematic consequences we’re not seeing occur; and, the implications of the zombie-virus may be far worse than that attributed to COVID-19. It is known that there is a link between Social media and suicide and as we are now in lock-down communicating via the only channels left available to us, whilst it appears their racing to produce new payment methods that will be useful for those now required to work from home…

I am very moved by my concerns about ’Cause of death 2020' statistics that will be produced at some-stage in the future, and the trends I’m seeing online.

As I prepare a means to address these enormous challenges, I’ve created a Facebook group that is intended to assist in content creation for a public zombie-virus immunisation campaign that is now being defined.

Humanity is now at a fork in the road, which reminds me of a scene in the wizard of oz. What we do in response will define our shared future.

To ensure we’re able to do our best and nothing less, as is expected of our clinicians; it’s most important we consider what sort of a world we want.

