Delegate to us! Zonic has become a delegate on both Optimism and Arbitrum.

Zonic : NFT Marketplace for L2
Published in
2 min readMar 23, 2023

Despite the tough market conditions, we are committed to continuously building for long-term impact. We have found that our deep engagement with Layer-2 ecosystems and their DAOs increases as we build more.

Therefore, we are taking on more responsibility by registering as official delegates for Optimism and Arbitrum, in order to be a part of the decision-making process for the ecosystems!

If you hold $OP or $ARB in your wallet, believe in our vision, and trust us to vote on your behalf, we invite you to delegate to us. We will use your delegation to guide the ecosystem in a manner that we believe will foster long-term adoption.

What is delegation?

In case you are new to this delegation thing, let us help explain a bit about its concept and its core mechanic.

A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) is an organization controlled and directed by all members of the ecosystem through voting. Token holders are typically eligible to vote, depending on the system’s design.

While the ideal scenario is for everyone to vote on submitted proposals, in practice, only a small portion does so due to the required effort. To solve this issue, a delegation mechanism was created, allowing individuals to delegate their vote to a trusted party to vote on their behalf.

It is crucial to delegate to someone you trust, as it affects the ecosystem’s fortunes.

Please note that delegation is simply assigning a “relationship” between wallet addresses, and no tokens need to be transferred. You still own all of your tokens as they are still sitting tightly on your wallet.

How to delegate your vote right on Optimism to Zonic

You can simply do that by the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Click “Delegate” to delegate your vote right to us.

That’s all!

How to delegate your vote right on Arbitrum to Zonic

The step is pretty similar. You can delegate to us by the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Connect your wallet
  3. Click on “Delegate vote” and “Delegate to address”
  4. Put 0xd3eFbc65713C307d3057b7E0979A996F6A9799AC in the address box.
  5. Click on “Delegate votes”

And that’s all!

No Reward Policy

We would like to make it clear that we do not offer any rewards to any delegators who delegate to us. Doing so would be equivalent to buying votes and would have a negative impact on the ecosystem.

However, we can assure you that we will make every effort to thoroughly review proposals and vote judiciously on your behalf. The benefits of our approach may not be immediately apparent, but as the ecosystem grows in a healthy manner, everyone will ultimately reap the rewards in some form or another.

Keep BUIDL-ing!

