Testing Zoom Chatbots in Postman

Send Zoom Chatbot messages in 3 easy steps!

Tommy Gaessler
Zoom Developer Blog
4 min readJul 12, 2019


New: Chatbot messages now support Markdown and @mentions! An example has been added to the Zoom Chatbot Postman Collection.

  1. Create a Chatbot app on Zoom
  2. Install the Zoom Chatbot Postman Collection
  3. Send Zoom Chatbot messages

STEP 1. Create a Chatbot app on Zoom

Go to the Zoom App Marketplace and click Develop > Build App

Click the Create button on the Chatbot app type, enter an App Name, and click Create.

In order to install the test version of your app, you have to supply a Development Redirect URL for OAuth and add it as a Whitelist URL. Since you are just testing our app with Postman and not actually intending to publish it to the Zoom App Marketplace, the redirect url does not matter, but you still have to supply it. You can just use a generic URL for the redirect. Feel free to use https://zoom.us.

App Credentials Page

You also have to add the URL as your Bot Endpoint URL for Development and Production. Go to the features page by clicking on the Features link on the left side menu. Enter a Command, and add https://zoom.us to the Bot Endpoint URL fields. Make sure to click the blue Save button.

Features Page

Now go to the Local Test page by clicking on the Local Test link on the left side menu. Click the green Install button.

Local Test Page

Then click the blue Authorize button to authorize our chatbot and install it on our Zoom Client.

After you click Authorize, you will be taken to the redirect URL you provided, keep this page open, we will need the code in the URL for STEP 2.

IMPORTANT: Save the code in the URL. We will need it in the STEP 2.

You should now see your Chatbot in Zoom Chat!

STEP 2. Use the Zoom Chatbot Postman Collection

Navigate to the Zoom Developer Postman Workspace, to use the Zoom Chatbot collection. This will allow you to send Chatbot messages with one click!

Under the Collections tab on the left, you should see the Zoom Chatbot App folder.

To configure the Zoom Chatbot collection to use your Zoom Chatbot credentials, hover over the collection and click the 3 dots. Then click View Details.

Enter in the code from the url you saved earlier into the authorization_code field under the Current Value column, on the Variables tab in Postman. Also add your Zoom Development Client ID, Client Secret, and Redirect URL for OAuth (all three found on your App Credentials page), and the Zoom Development Bot JID (found on your Features page) into the respective fields in the Current Value column.

Then hit save or CMD/CTRL S.

STEP 3. Send Zoom Chatbot messages

Before you can call the Zoom API to send Chatbot messages, you have to get an access_token. Expand the collection on the left, and click on the Authorize Chatbot request. Then hit the blue Send button!

NOTE: You may have to fork the Zoom Chatbot App Collection to your own Workspace to hit the blue Send button.

This sends a POST request to Zooms authorize Chatbot endpoint.

Now you’re ready to send Chatbot messages! Click on any of the other requests on the left and hit the blue Send button! This sends Chatbot messages via Zoom’s POST /im/chat/messages endpoint. Try them all out!

Here’s what the Message with Styled Text looks like in Zoom Chat!

If you’d like to learn more about the different Zoom Chatbot messages click here.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Chatbotting!



Tommy Gaessler
Zoom Developer Blog

Senior Developer Advocate and Software Engineer at Zoom