Transitioning your developer apps to Zooms Marketplace

Michael Purnell
Zoom Developer Blog
8 min readJan 7, 2019

Zoom has recently released their Marketplace where you can develop and publish your app for everyone to experience. With the new Marketplace launched, we decided to consolidate and improve the overall developer experience by migrating the existing features from our legacy developer site into the marketplace. With many of our existing developers creating apps using our legacy platform, you may be thinking how does the new marketplace fit in with my existing OAuth, JWT, SDK app, or Webhook?

We make it even easier to manage your app within the marketplace. Below is an overview of what you can expect when the migration happens on March 04, 2019.

Migrating from Legacy Developer site

Within your Zoom Developer Account, you will see your tabs for API, Webhook, SDK, and OAuth. Within Zoom Marketplace each corresponding tab will be displayed as it’s own app, don’t worry, your credentials will not change.

Legacy Developer Account UI

Finding your existing app in Marketplace

When you first log in to the marketplace, click on the Manage button. Afterwards your existing app will be located in the Created Apps section. You will notice that each app type either OAuth, SDK, JWT or Webhook will be listed as an account level app. For OAuth, your existing app name will be listed under Name.

Existing Developer Apps within


Creating and viewing your OAuth app

If you’re unable to find your OAuth app, you can create a new OAuth app. Please note, by default all apps created on marketplace are OAuth based unless you choose another Account-level app type.

  1. First, log into, then go to the develop dropdown button right next to the manage button, then click Build App.
  2. You can either choose the option to Intend to publish this app on Zoom Marketplace or not(private app).
  3. You can choose wether your OAuth app is Account Level app or User-Managed level app. If you choose, Account level-app, for Authentication type, you can choose OAuth.
  4. Select OAuth.
Creating OAuth App — Publish/Non-Publish

For customers who have existing OAuth integrations, your Client ID, Client Secret, and Redirect URL will be migrated over to the new marketplace, therefore no need to replace them within your code.

Legacy developer site OAuth app / OAuth app
Marketplace OAuth app — App Credentials

Whitelist URL

In addition to the redirect URL, under App Credentials, we give you an option to Whitelist URLs for OAuth redirection.

Marketplace OAuth app — App Credentials — Whitelist Url

2. Event Subscriptions

Now that your app is within Marketplace, you will have the option to add Event subscriptions for either All users within your account or Only users who have installed the app. The Event subscriptions work similar to Webhooks allowing you to add a notification endpoint URL and Event Types.

Marketplace OAuth app - Features

However, with your app now in our Marketplace, you will have the option to add new Event Types and set your Verification Token to validate that the request came from Zoom.

Marketplace OAuth app — Features — Event Types
Marketplace OAuth app — Features — Verification Token

3. Scopes

The four scopes that were available with your legacy OAuth app will be automatically added, and you will now have the ability to add new additional scopes that are now available within the marketplace.

Marketplace OAuth app — Scopes

4. Installing Your App

After you set your app credentials, features, and scopes, with our marketplace, we give you the ability to send your customers the Install link directly for them install your app.

Marketplace OAuth app — Install

JWT — API Key/Secret

If you’ve used APIs using JWT within our legacy developer platform, you’ll find that most of your credentials is found here, including features such as Event Subscriptions, View Token info and activate/deactivate your app. Also, JWT apps are set only for account level.

Creating and viewing your JWT API app

If you’re unable to find your API app, you can create a new JWT API Credentials app to get access to your API Key/Secret.

  1. First, log into, then go to the develop dropdown button right next to the manage button, then click Build App.
  2. Unselect the option to Intend to publish this app on Zoom Marketplace.
  3. Choose Account-Level app.
  4. Select JWT API Credentials.
Creating JWT API app
  1. Information

Information You will need to include Developer Contact Information such as Name and Email Address. Optional you will need to provide Privacy Policy URL and Support URL.

JWT API App — Information

2. App Credentials

Under App credentials, your API Key/Secret and IM Chat History Token will remain the same from the legacy site.

Legacy API Credentials / App Credentials

View JWT Token

Also, Marketplace includes a way for you to View JWT Token and to set your expiration time for quickly testing your APIs.

JWT API app — App Credentials

3. Feature: Event Subscription

With Marketplace you can add Event Subscriptions for either All users within your account. The Event subscriptions work similar to Webhooks allowing you to add a notification endpoint URL and Event Types.

However, with your app now in our new Marketplace, you will have the option to add new Event Types and set your Verification Token to validate that the request came from Zoom.

JWT API app — Features

4. Activation

Another feature that our marketplace provides is the ability to activate or deactivate your app. By default, your app will be activated. However, we provide an option to Deactivate your app if you would like to disable it for use.

JWT API app — Activation


Using SDKs within the marketplace is similar to what you’ve seen within our legacy developer platform. SDKs are only to be used for account level.

Creating and viewing your SDK app

If you’re unable to find your SDK app, you can create a new SDK Credentials app to get access to your SDK Key/Secret.

  1. First, log into, then go to the develop dropdown button right next to the manage button, then click Build App.
  2. Unselect the option to Intend to publish this app on Zoom Marketplace.
  3. Choose Account-Level app.
  4. Select SDK Credentials.
Creating SDK app within

On the information tab, you’ll see sections to include your Basic Information such as App Name and a Short description of your app. Also, you’ll need to enter in a Name and Email Address for Developer Contact Information, along with providing an optional Privacy Policy and Support URL.

SDK App — Information

2. App Credentials

After you have entered in your app information, then you’ll be able to view you SDK Key/Secret.

SDK App — App Credentials

3. Activation

SDK App — Activation

On the Activation tab by default your SDK app will be activated, however, we provide an option to Deactivate your app if you would like to disable it for use.

If you used SDK within our legacy developer platform, you’ll find that most of your info is there including features such as Event Subscriptions, View Token info and activate/deactivate your app. Also, SDK apps are set only for account level.


Lastly, using Webhooks within marketplace provides a similar experience to what you’ve seen within our legacy developer platform but includes the option to add Event Subscriptions, Privacy Policy Url and the ability to activate or deactivate the app. Keep in mind that Webhook apps are only to be used for account level.

Creating and viewing your Webhook app

If you’re unable to find your SDK app, you can create a new SDK Credentials app to get access to your SDK Key/Secret.

  1. First, log into, then go to the develop dropdown button right next to the manage button, then click Build App.
  2. Unselect the option to Intend to publish this app on Zoom Marketplace.
  3. Choose Webhook only app.
Create Webhook Only app within

On the information tab, you’ll see sections to include your Basic Information such as App Name and a Short description of your app. Also, you’ll need to enter in a Name and Email Address for Developer Contact Information, along with providing an optional Privacy Policy and Support URL.

Webhook App — Information

2. Feature: Event Subscription

With Marketplace you can add Event Subscriptions for either All users within your account. The Event subscriptions work similar to Webhooks allowing you to add a notification endpoint URL and Event Types.

However, with your app now in our new Marketplace, you will have the option to add new Event Types and set your Verification Token to validate that the request came from Zoom.

Webhook App — Feature

3. Activation

On the Activation tab by default your SDK app will be activated, however, we provide an option to Deactivate your app if you would like to disable it for use.

Webhook App — Activation

Call Logs

The Developer Call Logs page has also migrated to marketplace which comes with the same functionality. Within Marketplace we you will see API Call Logs and Webhook Call Logs. The Call logs will be located within Manage -> Call Logs section.

API Call Logs

The API Call Logs will show up to100 calls within the last 7 days.

Webhook Call Logs

The Webhook Call Logs will show up to100 calls within the last 7 days.

Developer Playground

The Developer playground page has also migrated to our marketplace docs where you can not only make API calls but can also generate code sample based on the calls. The new playground is within our API reference page located at From there, select what API endpoint you want to call and you’ll see a section at the bottom labeled Send a Test Request.

That’s it; those are the ways different app types such as OAuth, JWT, SDK or Webhooks will work within our new marketplace. Let us know your thoughts in the comments, if you have any additional developer questions, feel free to ask them at our developer forum at



Michael Purnell
Zoom Developer Blog

Developer Advocate @Zoom, Co-Founder of @sievent, Board member of @StartupSac, Former @intel Engineer. Tech, Travel, Hip-Hop, Meditation.