Your Guide to Migrating From v1 to v2 APIs

Michael Purnell
Zoom Developer Blog
3 min readSep 24, 2019

Zoom has grown exponentially over the last few years especially with our APIs. We started with our v1 APIs a couple years ago and now have moved on to our v2 APIs to provide greater functionality & enhanced authentication for developers.

Last December, we decided to sunset our v1 APIs to focus more on improving our v2 APIs. In the coming months, we will be expanding upon our v2 APIs with more Core Resources, enhanced Rate Limits, and API versioning. With this new focus, we have decided to end the life of our v1 APIs in April 2020.

This post aims to serve as a guide on the differences between the v1 and v2 APIs, and how to successfully migrate.



Using our v1 APIs requires you to use your API Key & Secret within each request.


Starting with our v2 APIs, you can choose between two authentication methods, JWT or OAuth, to authenticate your request.

  • JWT — Generate your API token based on your API key & secret on the backend then send your JWT within each API request. For example, if you wanted to do an integration with just your company or an server to server integration between Company A and Company B, using JWT would be the right authentication choice. For more information on how to use JWT with API calls, please visit our JWT guide.
  • OAuth — Using your Client ID and Client Secret, OAuth allows third parties to authenticate and make call APIs. For example if you wanted to build an app to limit the number of scopes for external users who are downloading your app, using OAuth would be the right authentication choice. For more information on OAuth and how to make API calls, please visit our OAuth guide.

RESTful Standard

Our v2 APIs now follow a RESTful standard, meaning that each API call uses HTTP method such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH.

For example, to retrieve a meeting you would use:

Header — GET{meeting-id}

To create a meeting you would use:

Header - POST

Body — {“topic”:”My meeting”, “type”:2, “start_time”:”2019–09–30T18:00:00”}

For more information on how to test our v2 APIs, please visit our Testing Zoom APIs page.

New Core Resources

With our v2 APIs, we have introduced new Core Resources and new endpoints within existing Core Resources to enhance your Zoom experience.

  • Dashboard — APIs that provide data on Meeting Participants, Webinar Participants, Meeting Participants QOS, Webinar Participants QOS, Client Feedback.
  • Reporting — APIs that provide data on Poll Reporting, Q&A Report, Operation Log Reports, Sign in/Sign out Activity Reports.
  • Chat — New Core Resource to allow users to automate their Zoom Chat functionality by sending messages to another user within their contact list, check their contacts list, and list message history.
  • Groups — Create, update, list all the groups within your Zoom client. Add group members and update group settings.
  • Phone — Get and update users Phone profile, get the call logs, recordings, and voicemails. Also, be able to assign and unassign phone numbers to user.
  • Devices — List, create, update or remove your h.323/SIP devices.
  • Tracking field — Allows you to list, create, update or remove tracking fields which can be used to analyze by various fields within your organization.

More Webhooks

In addition to v2 APIs and enhanced Zoom App Marketplace, we have been able to release more webhooks to deliver data to you faster without having to max out or exceed your API rate limits.

We have new webhooks such as User Sign in, Recordings, Zoom Room , Meeting Sharing and many more listed in our Webhook Reference docs. To learn more and to get started with our v2 Webhooks within our Marketplace, visit our Webhooks guide.

We hope this blog helps to make it easier for you to understand and migrate successfully to our v2 APIs. To get started with our V2 API you can read more on our v2 API introduction page. Happy Coding!



Michael Purnell
Zoom Developer Blog

Developer Advocate @Zoom, Co-Founder of @sievent, Board member of @StartupSac, Former @intel Engineer. Tech, Travel, Hip-Hop, Meditation.