Zoom Messaging APIs are now available through Marketplace

Tim Slagle
Zoom Developer Blog
2 min readAug 14, 2018

Over the last year, we have received some requests to open up our messaging platform to third-party apps. We had to wait a bit, as we were in the middle of developing the Zoom Marketplace framework. Our messaging interfaces are now available for third-party apps through our marketplace.

You can create a bot, select the IM scopes, create webhooks, and test them right away! Your bot can be invoked either in a 1:1 chat or in a group chat.

Create a new app in our marketplace

Go to Zoom Marketplace, select building an app and enable chat subscriptions. Afterward, the command is just the name of your bot that end users will invoke from the chat rooms/channels. The Bot endpoint URL is the webhook that our platform will call back when the bot is invoked by the user. In the following example, if the user invokes the bot with “/calluber to 55 Almaden Blvd, San Jose”, your app will get “to 55 Almaden Blvd, San Jose” in the webhook “https://calluber.com/dev."

  • Note that you need to provide separate webhooks for development and productions. This is part of our marketplace framework, and more info is available in our docs.
  • You can then select specific scopes — it all depends on what other APIs you are going to use based on your workflow and use case. Just don’t get confused between imgroup and imchat. IM group lets you control the group membership (add/remove users to specific IM groups).
  • Once your app is created and approved, it’s visible to all Zoom users in our marketplace to authorize and use. Once pre-approved and authorized by account admin, the bot is available across all the IM channels.

More details are available in our docs. As always, reach out to us on our developer forum if you have questions or need help.

