Zoom Meeting SDK with Angular

Tommy Gaessler
Zoom Developer Blog
2 min readApr 21, 2020

Easily Embed Zoom Meetings in your Angular App


To get started, clone the meetingsdk sample angular repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/zoom/meetingsdk-sample-angular.git


1. Once cloned, navigate to the meetingsdk-sample-angular directory:

$ cd meetingsdk-sample-angular

2. Then install the dependencies:

$ npm install

3. Open the meetingsdk-sample-angular directory in your code editor.

4. Open the src/app/app.component.ts file, and enter values for the variables:


 signatureEndpoint = 'http://localhost:4000'
sdkKey = 'xu3asdfaJPaA_RJW2–9l5_HAaLA'
meetingNumber = 123456789
role = 0
leaveUrl = 'http://localhost:4200'
userName = 'Angular'
userEmail = ''
password =

5. Save app.component.ts.

6. Run the app:

$ ng serve — open


1. Navigate to http://localhost:4200.

2. Click Join Meeting to join the meeting number specified in src/app/app.component.ts.


The Angular Sample App can be easily deployed to GitHub Pages, or another static web hosting service, like an AWS S3 bucket.

GitHub Pages

1. Create a repo on GitHub.

2. Add the remote to your project:


3. Open the angular.json file and on line 48 replace / with your GitHub repo name surrounded by slashes like this: /GITHUB_REPO_NAME/.

4. Build your project:

$ ng build — prod

5. Git add, commit, and push your project:

$ git add -A$ git commit -m "deploying to github"$ git push origin master

6. On GitHub, in your repo, navigate to the settings page, scroll down to the GitHub Pages section, and choose the master branch /docs folder for the source.

7. Now your project will be deployed to https://GITHUB_USERNAME.github.io/GITHUB_REPO_NAME.

Other Static Web Hosting

1. Build your project:

$ ng build — prod

2. Deploy the complied /docs directory to a static web hosting service, like an AWS S3 bucket.

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Tommy Gaessler
Zoom Developer Blog

Senior Developer Advocate and Software Engineer at Zoom