Aadhaar-based eSignature vs Digital Signature: A Comparative Analysis 2024

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6 min readJan 4, 2024

In our increasingly digital world, new tools for managing documents online pop up daily. CLM platforms promising to tame your paperwork are endless. But choosing the best eSignature solution can be tricky. With Aadhaar-based eSignature and Digital Signature as the main options, navigating the right option can be confusing.

This comprehensive guide will be your one-stop shop for understanding both types of eSignatures. We’ll explore their definitions, real-world examples, and key differences. By the end, you’ll be equipped to choose the eSign that best fits your needs!

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What is an Aadhaar-based eSignature?

An Aadhaar-based eSignature, also known as Aadhaar eSign, leverages the Aadhaar card’s unique 12-digit identification number to authenticate a signer’s identity.

When signing a document with Aadhaar eSign, a one-time password (OTP) is sent to the registered mobile number linked to the Aadhaar card. Upon entering the OTP, the document is signed with a digital signature linked to the Aadhaar number, making it tamper-proof and legally binding.

Use cases of Aadhaar-based eSignature in real life:

  • Banking and finance: Opening bank accounts, applying for loans, signing investment documents.
  • Government services: Filing taxes, applying for passports, registering for government schemes.
  • Education: Signing school and college admission forms, paying fees, and applying for scholarships.
  • Healthcare: Signing doctor’s prescriptions, and consent forms for medical procedures.
  • Real estate: Signing lease agreements, sale deeds, mortgage documents.

Try Aadhaar- based eSign for FREE!

What is a Digital Signature?

Digital signature is not limited to just one method or platform. It can be utilized across various channels, including email, messaging apps like WhatsApp, and even online documents. These versatile digital signature services offer convenience and security, making them a popular choice in today’s digital age.

Different categories of digital signatures

  • Email Signatures

Email signatures are commonly used in professional communication as a form of digital signature. Typically, they include the sender’s name, contact details, and sometimes a company logo.

  • Document Signatures

Digital signatures can simplify the process of signing important documents, eliminating the need for physical paperwork. Through digital signature services, you can securely sign contracts, agreements, and other legal documents online. This saves time, reduces costs, and guarantees the integrity of the signed documents.

  • Mobile App Signatures

In today’s mobile-centric world, digital signature services are also available through mobile applications. Whether you are signing a consent form, a delivery receipt, or conducting a financial transaction, mobile app signatures provide a convenient and secure way to authenticate your actions while on the move.

  • Online Forms and Applications

Many organizations utilize online forms and applications for a variety of purposes, such as job applications, registrations, and surveys. By incorporating digital signature services into these forms, organizations can ensure the genuineness of the submitted information and safeguard against any fraudulent activities.

Use cases of Digital Signature in real life

  • Tendering and Procurement: Securely participate in online tenders and submit bids with digital signatures for added transparency and authenticity.
  • Software Contracts: Sign software licensing agreements and other contracts electronically with digital signatures for legal validity and enforceability.
  • Document Sharing: Share sensitive documents like legal agreements or financial statements securely with digital signatures to prevent unauthorized modifications.
  • Internal Approvals: Streamline internal workflows by using digital signatures for document approvals, purchase orders, or employee onboarding documents.

Aadhaar-based eSign vs Digital Signature: What’s the Difference?

Security and Validity

  • Aadhaar-based eSignatures: High security relies on biometrics and Aadhaar verification, making them difficult to forge and legally valid under the IT Act 2000.
  • Digital Signatures: Security varies widely depending on the method used. Simple password-based or OTP methods offer lower security compared to Aadhaar’s biometrics. Their legal validity might not be universally recognized, especially for high-value transactions.

User Experience

  • Aadhaar-based eSignatures: Super convenient! Requires only OTP received on your registered Aadhaar number. Ideal for everyday transactions.
  • Digital Signatures: Can be less convenient, often requiring software installation, certificate management, and remembering passwords. More suited for specific situations, like corporate document signing, where higher security might be needed.

Target Audience

  • Aadhaar-based eSignatures: Perfect for individual users in India who prioritize speed, ease, and security for everyday documents like contracts, applications, and bank documents.
  • Digital Signatures: More suitable for businesses and organizations requiring wider acceptance, compatibility with specific platforms, or additional features beyond basic signing, like document encryption or timestamps.

Try Aadhaar- based eSign for FREE!

Remember, both methods offer digital document signing, but understanding their strengths and weaknesses helps you choose the right tool for the job. If convenience and robust security are top priorities, Aadhaar-based eSignatures shine. For specific business needs or wider acceptance, explore the diverse landscape of digital signatures.

Which type of eSign is better?

The answer depends on your specific needs and priorities. If you need a simple, convenient, and secure way to sign documents with Indian personals and businesses, Aadhaar eSign is a great option. It’s perfect for tasks like signing online forms, applications, and agreements. However, if you’re dealing with high-value transactions or documents requiring the highest level of security, a Digital Signature is the way to go.

Best Platform to use Aadhaar-based eSign

With numerous platforms offering Aadhaar eSign services, choosing the right one is crucial. Look for a platform with a proven track record, robust security features, and a user-friendly interface. ZoopSign ranks as a top choice for Aadhaar eSign, and here’s why:

  • Easy integration: Integrate Aadhaar eSign functionality seamlessly into your existing workflows and applications.
  • Advanced security: ZoopSign adheres to the highest security standards and complies with all relevant data privacy regulations.
  • User-friendly interface: Sign documents electronically with just a few clicks using your Aadhaar card and OTP.
  • Cost-effective: ZoopSign offers flexible pricing plans to suit your business needs.
  • 24/7 support: Get expert assistance and guidance from ZoopSign’s dedicated support team.

Experience the Power of Aadhaar eSign with ZoopSign

Ready to ditch the hassle of printing, signing, and scanning documents? Book a free live demo with ZoopSign today and see how their Aadhaar eSign solution can empower your business.

Book a Demo!

In this one-on-one session with a ZoopSign expert, you’ll:

  • Learn more about Aadhaar eSign and its benefits.
  • See how ZoopSign seamlessly integrates Aadhaar eSign into your workflows.
  • Get personalized advice on the best eSign solution for your specific needs.

Try Aadhaar- based eSign for FREE!

Leap paperless efficiency and secure document signing with Aadhaar eSign and ZoopSign. It’s time to embrace the future of document management, one signature at a time!

FAQs on Aadhaar-based eSignatures

1.What is Aadhaar-based eSignature?

Think of it as signing documents online using your Aadhaar card! You authenticate yourself with a one-time password (OTP) sent to your registered mobile number, and voila, your document is securely signed with a digital signature linked to your Aadhaar.

2.Where can I use Aadhaar-based eSignature?

From everyday tasks like signing online forms and applications to financial transactions and even healthcare documents, Aadhaar eSign brings convenience to various sectors. Think bank accounts, loan applications, school forms, doctor’s prescriptions, and much more!

3.Is Aadhaar-based eSignature safe?

Absolutely! The OTP authentication layer adds security, and the signed documents are stored securely on servers with access control and encryption.

4.How is Aadhaar-based eSignature different from a Digital Signature?

Digital Signatures use a more complex system with digital signature certificates issued by licensed authorities. It’s ideal for high-value transactions requiring the highest security, while Aadhaar eSign shines for daily documents due to its user-friendliness and free usage.

5.Can I sign any document with Aadhaar-based eSignature?

There are a few exceptions outlined in the IT Act, like Wills and negotiable instruments like cheques. But for most daily documents and agreements, Aadhaar eSign is your go-to option for a quick, secure, and legal way to sign online!




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