Improve HR Strategies with this MUST-HAVE Tool: Document Tracking!

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5 min readJan 29, 2024
The world of HR (Human Resources) is constantly evolving, demanding agility and innovation to maintain a competitive edge. And since we’re in 2024, it’s time to say goodbye to filing cabinets and endless paperwork trails.

The world of HR (Human Resources) is constantly evolving, demanding agility and innovation to maintain a competitive edge. And since we’re in 2024, it’s time to say goodbye to filing cabinets and endless paperwork trails.

You ask how?

It’s as easy as implementing the best HR software solutions into your workflows. But today, we’ll be focusing on a smaller solution to this big idea. Document Tracking is one of the most underrated tools that streamlines HR strategies and processes.

Track documents for FREE!

Keep reading to know how you can implement document tracking software in your HR team to increase productivity.

What is Document Tracking?

Imagine this: Sending an offer letter, anxiously waiting for acceptance, chasing approvals, and drowning in a sea of signatures. Sound familiar? Thankfully, document tracking software simplifies this chaotic task.

This digital tool starts its smart work from the moment you send an offer letter. You can track document progress in real time, see who has viewed it, send gentle reminders for pending signatures, and easily follow a document’s entire lifecycle. It’s like having a dedicated assistant for every piece of paper in your HR software domain.

Now, you might think, what’s the need? Well, there are several reasons to adapt to newer trends in HR management.

The Need for New HR Strategies

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing work environment, businesses must adapt to new HR software strategies. Keeping up with the latest trends not only ensures that your organization remains competitive but also helps make work life easier for both HR professionals and employees. By embracing innovative tools and technologies, such as document tracking software, human resources can simplify their processes and improve overall efficiency.

Doc-Track for FREE!

How Document Tracking Can Improve HR Strategies?

Document tracking can significantly improve HR software strategies in various ways. Let’s take a closer look at four common use cases where document tracking can make a significant impact:

Document tracking can significantly improve HR software strategies in various ways. Let’s take a closer look at four common use cases where document tracking can make a significant impact: Onboarding, Performance Reviews, Leave Management, Compliance.
  1. Onboarding

Forget the search for signed forms and missing documents. Track documents like offer letters, NDAs, and tax forms easily, ensuring seamless onboarding experiences for new hires. Document tracking allows you to identify problems, personalize the process, and get new employees productive faster.

Send offer letters electronically!

2. Performance Reviews

Track document performance reviews electronically, streamlining feedback sessions and employee development plans. Imagine effortlessly retrieving past reviews for comparative analysis, all thanks to the power of document tracking software.

3. Leave Management

Say goodbye to the days of chasing down leave requests buried in overflowing inboxes. Track documents like leave applications and approvals through a clear, automated workflow. Employees can submit requests electronically, managers can review and approve easily, and all documentation is archived for future reference.

4. Compliance

Navigating the ever-changing landscape of HR software compliance can be daunting. But document tracking software comes to the rescue! Track document deadlines for critical reports, certifications, and legal documents. Set automated reminders and ensure your organization stays compliant, reducing risks and minimizing penalties.

Benefits of Document Tracking Software in Human Resources

Implementing document tracking software in human resources can bring several benefits to your organization. Here are the top three advantages:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency

By automating the document tracking process, HR professionals can save valuable time and effort. The software provides real-time updates on document status, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups and reducing administrative tasks.

2. Improved Collaboration

Document tracking software enables seamless collaboration between HR professionals and other stakeholders, such as candidates, employees, and managers. Everyone involved can access and track documents, improving communication and productivity.

Implementing document tracking software in human resources can bring several benefits to your organization. Here are the top three advantages: Enhanced Efficiency, Improved Collaboration, Enhanced Security.

3. Enhanced Security

With document tracking software, HR software can ensure the confidentiality and security of sensitive documents. The software provides secure storage and access controls, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Try Doc-Track for FREE!

How to Use Document Tracking in Everyday HR Tasks

One tool that offers comprehensive document-tracking features is ZoopSign. Let’s explore how HR professionals can make the most of ZoopSign’s Doc-Track feature and other functionalities to streamline their everyday tasks:

Sending a Document for Tracking

To send a document for tracking using ZoopSign, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your ZoopSign account and navigate to the Doc-Track section.
  2. Upload the document you want to track.
  3. Specify the recipients and their information.
  4. Set any additional tracking preferences like set expiry date and more.
  5. Click “Send Invite” to initiate the document tracking process.

ZoopSign offers a range of other features that can further enhance HR processes:

  • eSign: With the eSign feature, HR professionals can securely obtain digital signatures on important documents, eliminating the need for printing, signing, and scanning.
  • zDrive: ZoopSign’s zDrive feature allows HR professionals to store and manage all their documents in one centralized location. With cloud storage capabilities, documents can be easily accessed and shared with relevant parties, ensuring seamless collaboration.
  • PDF Utilities: ZoopSign’s PDF Utilities feature provides various tools to manage PDF documents effectively. HR professionals can merge multiple PDFs into a single document, split large PDFs into smaller files, and even convert PDFs into different file formats.

By leveraging these additional features, HR professionals can streamline their document management process and eliminate the need for multiple tools or manual paperwork.

ZoopSign- The best software for document tracking solution. Book a demo today!

Tips to Make the Most of Document Tracking

To maximize the benefits of document tracking software like ZoopSign, here are some tips and tricks that HR professionals can use:

  1. Standardize document templates: Minimize confusion and errors using pre-defined templates for common HR software documents.
  2. Utilize custom fields: Tailor your document tracking experience by adding relevant fields for specific document types.
  3. Leverage reporting tools: Gain valuable insights by analyzing document access and completion trends.
  4. Get your team on board: Train your HR team to use the software effectively to reap the full benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is document tracking software for HR?

Document tracking software monitors HR documents from creation to signing, ensuring efficiency in managing paperwork and reducing errors for HR professionals.

2. How does ZoopSign’s Doc-Track differ from other solutions?

ZoopSign’s Doc-Track integrates seamlessly into HR workflows, providing real-time document tracking, electronic signatures, centralized storage, and document editing — an all-in-one solution catering to HR needs.

3. Can ZoopSign help with HR compliance?

Yes, ZoopSign ensures compliance by tracking documents related to regulatory requirements, helping HR teams stay informed and proactive about legal and regulatory changes.

4. Is ZoopSign user-friendly, and what support options are available?

ZoopSign is user-friendly with an intuitive interface. It offers training resources and dedicated support channels, including documentation and tutorials, to assist HR professionals.




From eSignatures to document tracking and beyond, we simplify your workflow, saving you time, money, and headaches.