Best Sales Tool in the Market for Small Businesses

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6 min readMar 11, 2024
If you’re someone working or leading the sales team, you know how important it is to know that every advantage counts. Especially for small businesses where the resources to invest in expansive sales teams need to have a strategic approach.

If you’re someone working or leading the sales team, you know how important it is to know that every advantage counts. Especially for small businesses where the resources to invest in expansive sales teams need to have a strategic approach.

In the competitive world of sales, speed, and efficiency are crucial for small businesses. While larger companies have the resources to invest in expensive teams and complex software, smaller businesses need to be strategic in their approach. This is where contract management solutions come in, offering a powerful sales tool to streamline the sales cycle and close deals faster.

But before we delve into the best sales tools for small businesses, let’s understand what are contract management solutions. And what’s the role of contract management solutions in the world of sales department?

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Understanding Contract Management Solutions

Contract management solutions are software applications designed to automate and improve the contract lifecycle, encompassing everything from authoring and negotiation to final execution and post-signature management. These solutions offer a centralized platform to manage all your contracts, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process.

Why Integrate Contract Management Solutions in Your Small Business?

For small businesses, integrating the right contract management solution can be a game-changer. Here are some key reasons why:

  • Reduced Errors and Missed Deadlines

Manual contract management is prone to errors and missed deadlines. Contract management solutions automate workflows, track key dates, and send notifications, minimizing the risk of human error and ensuring timely completion of agreements.

  • Improved Collaboration and Visibility

These solutions provide a central repository for all your contracts, enabling seamless collaboration between sales, legal, and other departments. Everyone involved has access to the latest versions and can track the progress of each contract in real time.

  • Enhanced Security and Compliance

Contract management solutions offer robust security features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your contracts. Additionally, they help ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.

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  • Cost Savings

By streamlining the contract management process, these solutions can save your business time and money. Reduced errors, improved efficiency, and automated workflows can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.

simplify your sales funnel and convert leads into customers.

Benefits of Using Contract Management Solutions

By integrating the right contract management solution and best sales tools into your process, you can experience a multitude of benefits, including

  • Faster Deal Closings

Streamlined workflows and automated processes significantly reduce the time it takes to finalize agreements, allowing you to close deals faster and generate more revenue.

  • Improved Win Rates

Enhanced collaboration, clear visibility into contract terms, and built-in compliance features contribute to increased win rates by ensuring accurate and legally sound agreements.

  • Reduced Risks and Liabilities

Contract management solutions help mitigate risks associated with errors and missed deadlines, protecting your business from potential legal and financial repercussions.

  • Scalability and Adaptability

These solutions can adapt and grow with your business, accommodating your evolving needs as your contract volume and complexity increase.

What to Look for in a Contract Management Solution for Small Businesses?

With a variety of contract management solutions available, choosing the right one for your small business is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Ease of Use: Look for user-friendly solutions with an intuitive interface, minimizing training time and ensuring smooth adoption across your team.
  • Affordability: Choose a solution that fits your budget and offers flexible pricing options, many cater specifically to the needs and budget constraints of smaller businesses.
  • Scalability: Ensure the solution can adapt to your growing needs, offering features and functionalities that can scale as your business expands.
  • Security Features: prioritize solutions that offer robust security measures to protect your sensitive contract information and ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.
  • Integrations: Look for solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing CRM, document management, and other business tools, creating a unified ecosystem for efficient data exchange.

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Top 3 Sales Tools to Integrate for Your Team

While contract management solutions are an essential tool, consider integrating other complementary best sales tools to further enhance your sales efficiency:

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software: This is the foundation of any sales team’s toolkit. A CRM helps you track and manage all your interactions with leads and customers, from initial contact to close. It also provides valuable insights into your sales pipeline and helps you forecast future sales. Some popular CRM options include HubSpot CRM.
  2. Sales enablement platform: This type of tool goes beyond just managing contacts and deals. It equips your sales reps with the content, resources, and training they need to be successful. This can include things like sales playbooks, product demos, and competitive battle cards. A good sales enablement platform will also help you track the effectiveness of your sales training and coaching programs. One popular option for a sales enablement platform is Salesforce Sales Cloud.
  3. Email outreach tools: Email is still one of the most effective ways to reach out to prospects and nurture leads. However, sending and tracking individual emails can be time-consuming. Email outreach tools can automate many of these tasks, such as sending personalized emails, scheduling follow-ups, and tracking opens and clicks. Some popular email outreach tools include Outreach, SalesLoft, and Yesware.
How ZoopSign Can Help You Close Contracts Faster? ZoopSign offers a secure eSignature solution specifically designed to complement your contract management solution and optimize your sales process. Here are some ways ZoopSign can help you close contracts faster: Seamless Integration: ZoopSign integrates seamlessly with popular contract management solutions, allowing you to send documents directly for eSignatures without leaving your existing workflow. Streamlined Document Tracking

How ZoopSign Can Help You Close Contracts Faster?

ZoopSign offers a secure eSignature solution specifically designed to complement your contract management solution and optimize your sales process. Here are some ways ZoopSign can help you close contracts faster:

  • Seamless Integration: ZoopSign integrates seamlessly with popular contract management solutions, allowing you to send documents directly for eSignatures without leaving your existing workflow.
  • Streamlined Document Tracking: Track the progress of your contracts in real-time, ensuring everyone involved stays on the same page and eliminating the need for manual follow-up.

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  • Easy Electronic Signatures: ZoopSign’s user-friendly interface allows anyone to sign contracts electronically from any device.

Use Cases of ZoopSign for Faster Contract Completion

  1. Sales Contracts and Agreements
  • Generate and upload sales contracts and agreements directly within your contract management solution and send them for eSignatures with ZoopSign.
  • Utilize pre-defined signing orders and deadlines within ZoopSign to ensure a smooth and timely signing process.
  • Track document views and receive real-time notifications when each party signs, providing complete transparency and eliminating the need for manual follow-up.

2. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)

  • Securely share NDAs with vendors, partners, or investors through ZoopSign, facilitating collaboration while protecting your confidential information.
  • Leverage ZoopSign’s pre-filled form feature to populate NDAs with pre-defined information, saving time and ensuring accuracy.

3. Customer Onboarding

  • Streamline customer onboarding by utilizing your contract management solution to manage agreements and seamlessly integrate ZoopSign for eSignatures.
  • Eliminate the need for physical paperwork and accelerate the customer activation process by obtaining electronic signatures on onboarding documents.

4. Quotes and Estimates

  • Send quotes and estimates generated within your contract management solution for eSignatures with ZoopSign, receiving faster approvals and project initiation.
  • Track client engagement with the documents in ZoopSign, identifying any areas that may require clarification or negotiation before finalizing the agreement.

Beyond Efficiency: Building Trust and Security:

In addition to streamlining the contract management process, ZoopSign also helps build trust and security with your clients:

  • Legally Binding Signatures: ZoopSign ensures all electronic signatures are legally binding and compliant with international eSignature regulations, adding a layer of legitimacy and security to your agreements.

Get Electronic Signatures for FREE!

  • Audit Trails: Maintain a complete audit trail of every document within your contract management solution, recording all actions taken on the document, including who viewed it, signed it, and when. This provides a clear record of the agreement process and enhances transparency for all parties involved.

Get Audit Trail for FREE!

The Contract Close: A Collaborative Effort

Integrating the right contract management solution and eSignature solution like ZoopSign into your sales process empowers your team to work collaboratively, close deals faster, and build stronger relationships with your customers.

By automating workflows, ensuring timely completion of agreements, and fostering transparency throughout the process, you can achieve greater efficiency and success in today’s competitive business landscape.

Ready to take your contract management to the next level? Visit our website today to learn more about our eSignature solution and explore how it can seamlessly integrate with your existing contract management system.

Remember: By investing in the right tools and fostering collaboration, small businesses can overcome resource limitations and thrive in the competitive world of sales.




From eSignatures to document tracking and beyond, we simplify your workflow, saving you time, money, and headaches.