Five Things To Keep In Mind Before Traveling With Your Partner

Zopky — Holidays Simplified!
3 min readFeb 26, 2016

Travelling as a pair is always a lot of fun. You get to make great memories together, have some romantic moments at cool destinations and gather some stories to tell your kids about (provided you are still together in the future).

But it’s not all rosy. The balance can be easily tipped off if something goes wrong leading to disastrous consequences.

Here are five things to keep in mind before travelling with your partner:

1) You don’t always have to be together

Couples who travel are usually seen as one entity, both by people you know and tour guides. But you really don’t need to be like that. After all, travelling is about getting the most from a city. If you have different interests then take a day off from each other and explore on your own.

2) Fights might happen

There is no magic wand that will eliminate all fights during your trip. If you disagree on certain things, places to visit, what to eat, when to wake up etc. it might blow up into a volatile argument. The best way to prevent this is by making some ground rules beforehand and agreeing that you will not make a big deal out of small issues. And try to ban blame games while abroad.

3) Nature Vs History

Some people love exploring nature while others love to go to museums. It all depends on personal preferences. Decide with your partner what days will be dedicated to what activities. There should be equal compromise on both sides. Either that, or follow point number one and take a couple days for yourself to do what you love.

4) Decide on the budget

I have stayed in luxurious five star hotels to tiny backpackers, and it all depends on how much you are willing to shell out for the budget. Make STRICT budget decisions before going on a trip. It will save you a whole lot of trouble and arguments.

5) Not everything can be romantic

Okay, so the basic point of going on a trip together is being romantic right? Wrong. Not everything can and should be. Take a step back and have fun! You’re in a foreign country after all. Play pranks on strangers, pretend you’re a secret agent and just let everything flow naturally. Don’t try to force romantic moments to happen.

I wish you a peaceful and happy vacation!

Originally published at on February 26, 2016.



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