Zowasel Empowers Women Farmers: Investing in Women to Accelerate Progress.

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3 min readMar 8, 2024

As the world commemorates International Women’s Day 2024, the spotlight is once again on the pivotal role that women play in various sectors, particularly agriculture. In Nigeria, women are the backbone of the agricultural industry, contributing significantly to food production, processing, marketing, and preservation. However, despite their indispensable contributions, they face numerous challenges that hinder their full potential.

Female smallholder farmers and Zowasel field team during Mercy Corps Team visit to Bunkure, Kano State

According to the Civil Resources Development and Documentation Center, Nigerian women smallholder farmers comprise 70–80% of the agricultural labor force. Despite their strategic roles in food production, they have limited access to essential resources such as land, credit facilities, farm inputs, training, technology, and crop insurance. This disparity not only affects their productivity but also continues to keep women economically powerless.

Over the years, Zowasel has undertaken various initiatives aimed at supporting female smallholder farmers and fostering gender inclusion in agriculture. In line with this year’s International Women’s Day theme, “Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress,” and the overarching theme of “Inspire Inclusion,” Zowasel has implemented targeted projects to uplift women in agriculture. These initiatives focus on addressing economic disempowerment and promoting gender equality within the agricultural sector.

Tiller Trial with a Smallholder Farmer

One notable project was the Hand Tiller Trial for Women, conducted at Kawo Crop Center, Nasarawa State, in 2022. The hand tiller is a crucial tool in soil preparation. We provided free training to women smallholder farmers and also gave them free usage of the hand tiller machine for a day on their farmlands, enabling them to enhance their farming practices and productivity.

Smallholder farmers in Taraba state for PrecisionAgriculture training

Furthermore, in collaboration with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Zowasel launched Precision Agriculture Training in 2023. This program aimed to elevate incomes within African agricultural and food value chains by empowering smallholder farmers with advanced agricultural techniques. Mrs Iwambe Florence, a participant from Benue State, expressed her gratitude in her own words,saying, “I extend my heartfelt thanks to Zowasel for this impactful training. May God continue to bless you in your mission to assist others.”

Also, Zowasel’s partnership with Bayer CropScience in piloting vegetable value chain development at Bunkure LGA, Kano State, exemplifies its commitment to women’s empowerment in agriculture. Through the provision of improved seed varieties, technical support, and training on Good Agronomic Practices, Zowasel is equipping women smallholder farmers with the necessary skills and resources to cultivate sustainable vegetables and thrive in the agricultural value chain.

Female smallholder farmers in KANO State who participated in the Vegetable Demo Pilot

These initiatives not only empower individual women farmers but also contribute to the broader goal of advancing gender equality and fostering inclusive economic growth. By investing in women, Zowasel is not only accelerating progress within the agricultural sector but also catalyzing positive societal change.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to supporting women in agriculture, recognizing their invaluable contributions, and ensuring their meaningful participation in shaping a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

For partnership or enquires email: partners@zowasel.com

