How to Automate z/OS Data Set Allocation Using Zowe & JSON

Dan Kelosky
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2018
Allocating data sets: fill in the blanks versus click a button

Last time I described migrating a “Hello World” assembler project based purely in z/OS data sets to Git and GitHub using VS Code and Zowe CLI.

I ended with a statement “Team members just need to clone the project… and they’re setup to contribute”. This was a tad misleading; lots of manual intervention is still needed for a new team member.

The Problem

The problem is that the project requires each team member to have several data sets to build and run the project from. For example, see this snippet of JCL:

The JCL is using my data sets “KELDA16.WORK…”, and team members need their own to work with.

Each team member can go create data sets, but creating data sets on z/OS is nothing like creating files and folders on your PC. It sometimes involves googling “how many cylinders do I need” (while ignoring results about car engines 😄).

We could also adjust the JCL and/or use temporary data sets to accomplish something similar, but I’d like to keep artifacts around a bit longer (for debugging, re-linking, or re-executing).

Tools Recap

Before actually fixing the problem, here are some of the tools I’ll be covering and what they’re used for:


I’ll further mustache my JCL for team members’ high-level qualifiers(HLQ), assembler options, and macro libraries:

The circles show mustache syntax for arrays; orange highlights show the template for HLQ

The new template values are added to my default.json (and optionally overridden via local.json):

"settings": {
"assemble": {
"options": [
"maclib": [

From here, team members set their own HLQ under settings.hlq (in their local.json so it’s not shared). Then they run $ npm run genjcl to create JCL customized with their HLQ:

Data set HLQ values from JSON config


The build JCL is now more generic than before in that it’s fully customized per user. However, the backing data sets do not actually exist yet, and so we have to create them. Otherwise, this JCL fails quickly:


Since I use Zowe CLI for most of the mainframe interaction (behind the scenes within scripts), I check to see what the CLI needs in order to create a PDS:

$ zowe files create --help


Zowe help command output snippet

The output displays some convenience commands to create data sets without specifying all DCB info. But I’m a true mainframer and want complete, explicit control 😉. I’ll use the zowe create pds command and supply my own DCB info.

That means, I transform this:

Mostly arbitrary details I provided when I created this data set in 2011 — I still don’t understand this well

To this (while adjusting some attributes):

"dataSets": {
"blockSize": 3120,
"directoryBlocks": 20,
"recordFormat": "FB",
"recordLength": 80,
"dataSetType": "LIBRARY",
"size": "10CYL"

I create JSON config objects like this for every data set needed by the project (they’re not all shown here).

Moar Scripts

We’ll need a few more scripts to wrap up. Most importantly: a script to allocate data sets for a given HLQ using the appropriate DCB attributes in the JSON config.

First, I’ll add one TypeScript interface to map the JSON object (for type-checking and IntelliSense in VS Code):

I probably should have called this interface “DCB”

Then, I create the allocate script that loops through config objects and allocates all necessary data sets using Zowe CLI:

Line 10 shows the start of building of the `zowe files create pds` command

The invocation of this script is encapsulated in package.json:

"scripts": {
"allocate: "node ./scripts/lib/allocate",

I’ll also create a similar script to deallocate/delete data sets related to the project (although it’s a little risky to loop and delete z/OS assets 😅). The details for this script can be seen within the repo which is linked to below.

Final Adjustments

The folder structure of the project was based on the data sets from which the project originated, something like /kelda16/work/asmpgm/template.asm. Since the data sets are now specific to a user's settings.hlq, we’ll make the folder structure generic, e.g. /zossrc/asmpgm/template.asm.

Documentation is never fun for a developer, but a simple write-up of the full set of scripts in isn’t too painful:

Here are the scripts my team members could use

End Result

A new team member would clone the project, install dependencies, and add their config (2 setup steps in total):


  1. $ git clone https://github.comd/dkelosky/assembler-template && cd assembler-template && git checkout v2 && npm install
  2. Create a local.json for their HLQ, jobname, and job account number
settings: {
hlq: "<HLQ_HERE>"
job: {
name: "<JOBNAME_HERE>",


Next, they allocate their data sets $ npm run allocate:

This shows data sets being allocated according to JSON config object & Zowe CLI

Repeat as Necessary

With data sets allocated, contributors can upload source and build$ npm run genjcl && npm run upload && npm run build. That’s it!

Alternatively, you can click buttons in VS Code if you dislike issuing commands:

Click build to build your project (similar to the previous write up) — no extra VS Code setup is required to use this


Now (and for real this time), a team member can clone the project, configure, and they’re setup to contribute, making use of some simple automation to generate JCL, allocate data sets, upload source, build, and download their output.

The updated project can be found here:



Dan Kelosky
Writer for

Likes programming/automation in mainframe (assembler, C/C++), distributed (Node.js), and web development (Firebase, Angular).