Paul Mburu Njuguna
Zowy Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 29, 2016

There is a lot of craze about Social Commerce today. We have seen from the biggest of brands to small and medium businesses, who all want a piece of this social trade. So what is social commerce? This is just buying and selling with the assistance of social networks. ‘Social’ has now been included in business. What does this mean? This means purchases are now influenced by referrals, user ratings, online communities, and social advertising. Social networks have also taken notice to this and the efforts towards B2B solutions are fast coming out, an example is the ‘buy’ call to action button on Facebook.

Statistics have shown that 30% of time spent on the internet is on these social networks. Daily social media usage of global internet users amounted to 1 hour 46 minutes, per day as of 2015 according to statistica.com. There is a couple of social networks from which businesses can leverage on to find their target customers and boost sales. This is where ZOWY comes in. The tool will help you engage customers and sell more from all the social networks you push your products. What’s more you will be able to do reservations, accept payments and manage products on this single platform. As a plus, the business will get access to business reports and insights on how the business is fairing.

What kind of experiences do social media customers want you may ask? Three things:

1) Authentic engagement.

As much as business has gone online now, customers still want to be able to trust you and get quality interactions with the business. Think of it this way, when a customer walks into an offline store they want to be welcomed with a smile and given full attention. These are the same emotions you want your online customers to feel. ZOWY gives you the opportunity to make this impression. A single click on your product on social media will initiate a chat engagement with the business from which all questions pertaining the product and the business can be answered. This is where you lure the customer in and close a sale.

2) Unique and product variety.

We have a lot of millennials on the social networks. This group goes for unique, latest products and the ability to browse some more. What ZOWY will offer is the ability to add a products catalogue on to the platform. You can post directly to your social media pages and customers can actually browse through your products on the platform during your engagement. Again, recreating the in-shop experience where customers look through items as they ask the seller questions.

3) Bonus and discounts

We live for bargains, bonuses and discounts. I know I ask for a discount even when there is none. You stand a good chance of converting customers when you offer a bargain or discount. This is where the engagement tool will come through. The customer gets a chance to negotiate and get a bargain. Convince the customer why it’s a good price or better yet offer them a discount.


The customer gets a seamless way of engaging the seller just one click away. Sales are lost when the customer has to go through several steps and channels to get to the merchant.

What’s in it for the business?

1) All controlled by one

As a business, you want to make sure you get the most out of all the social networks where your target customers are. This may be; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, your blog, etc. Sales could come from any of these channels. ZOWY will manage all these efforts in one platform. You can post and schedule posts from the ZOWY dashboard. Customer interactions are also converged to this one platform. Products are maintained in the platform and are one click away from the post seen by the customer.

2) Flexibility

Customers can browse, engage online, reserve and come to the offline store. This is not all, ZOWY can also handle payments through mobile money and cards. A transaction can be done 100% online, then organize for delivery to the customer.

3) Customer engagement

ZOWY will offer an app on your mobile device through which you can handle all customer engagement. Mind you these are engagements from different channels. Any sales rep can handle these conversions from their current location. Engagement helps you better understand your customer needs to close sales easily.

4) Business insights and reports

The dashboard will offer interesting insights about your business performance. Some of these are: Products performance, customer interactions per channel, customer numbers and channel source, top performing products, average response time, and many more. This information will give your business important learnings for growth.


The platform offers a shortened URL(link) which the business can use to tag along their products when posting to other platforms, for example blogs.

ZOWY’s mission is to help the business engage and sell more to their social network customers.

Our vision is to see small and medium businesses grow their businesses to the next level by leveraging the power of social networks.

Head over to http://zowy.co and get a free invite to try the tool now!

You can also reach us on:

Email: hello@zowy.co

Twitter: @zowyCo

Facebook: www.facebook.com/zowyCo



Paul Mburu Njuguna
Zowy Blog

For the love of Technology and how it can transform the Agriculture sector.