Why Vision Pro Is Worth It In The Long Run.

AJ Picard
ZoZo App
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2023


This week Apple held their World Wide Developer conference aka WWDC, where they announced a new innovating product called Vision Pro.

What is Vision Pro?

Vision Pro is essentially a VR / AR Headset that joins both the physical and Digital World. With Vision Pro you have access to ANYTHING, think of this as a computer in a headset.

Google tried to launch a similar product years ago called Google Glass that completely flopped due to the price point, society not being ready for this type of technology & developers not having the freedom to build for the platform.

So what’s changed?

Well, since Google Glass, AR & VR markets have boomed. Facebook is leading the market with their Occulus device, but it hasn’t been a massive adoption. There are a ton of factors in my opinion on why these headsets are flying off the shelf, but that doesn’t mean they’ll never have their time…

The biggest complaints these Headsets get are:

  • Too Expensive
  • Headsets are heavy
  • Need a strong computer or console to use the headset
  • Mobility is restricted

So how is Vision Pro different?



AJ Picard
ZoZo App

UI/UX Designer who loves designing and building products. Currently scaling ZoZo App.