Elevate Your ZTX Avatar: Introducing the Enhanced Avatar Builder Beta

Improved Usability, Enhanced Customization & Support for On-Chain Wearables

ZTX Official
3 min readJul 20, 2023


Earlier in March, ZTX launched the beta version of the ZTX Avatar Builder, a web-based application where you can create customizable ZTX avatars to use in our upcoming 3D open world. With the goal of gathering input from community members, the Beta helped shape and refine our vision for the product. And being well ahead of our first playable experience, it also gave users a glimpse of what we had in store.

Today we are thrilled to announce the latest enhancements made to the Avatar Builder Beta. With Avatars being synonymous with digital identities, the Avatar Builder is a fundamental component of our roadmap and essential in our mission to empower creators and communities. And the ZTX team is committed to building in public alongside our community and will continue to gather feedback to improve the Avatar Builder experience.

So… what is new?

A lot.

For starters, there are many subtle UI/UX improvements such as fonts, icons, and colors. These may not seem significantly apparent initially, but when combined together they notably enhance your Avatar Builder experience. And then there are the larger updates — the game changers — that are focused on enhancing usability, providing greater flexibility, and offering support for cross-community collaboration through on-chain initiatives. These will lay the foundation for the Avatar Builder’s long-term roadmap.

Here’s a glimpse of what’s in store:

  • NFT Support — Users will have an ‘NFT Closet’ that contains and displays ZTX-supported NFT wearables in one location. Disclaimer: The NFT Closet will not be visible until we launch a wearable collection so don’t be alarmed if you don’t see it appear…yet!
A preview of what the NFT Closet will look like
  • On-Chain Verification — Users who meet certain on-chain criteria will be able to access exclusive drops. For example, Alice attends a DeGods event at NFTNYC and collects a POAP. After the event, Alice can claim a digital DeGods hoodie to equip her ZTX Avatar in the Avatar Builder. This allows us to provide a bespoke experience where community members of projects can get exclusive access to limited drops and wearables within the Avatar Builder and use it in ZTX.
  • Improved customization tools — Users will have a slider to customize the Avatar’s height and width independently of one another, instead of a simple 3-point selection.

These updates will be launched and usable over the coming weeks. Throughout the ZTX roadmap, our team will be working with leading brands and artists where one of the main collaborations will include integrating on-chain wearables and verification into the Avatar Builder so that we can distribute wearables to community members and provide users with an exciting new way to customize their Avatars.

Looking Ahead

The Avatar Builder Beta lays the groundwork for a lot of exciting initiatives we have coming up. However, it’s just the start. With the help of your feedback, we will continue to add new features and improve the customization experience. But in the meantime, here are some things to get excited about:

  • Partner wearable drops
  • New ZTX Avatar profile page
  • Creator tooling — ability to create your own on-chain wearables
  • Photobooth enhancements to allow for new selfie captures

For the last point — make sure to follow our Twitter and join the discussion on Discord as we’ll be giving early access to community members looking to participate in some of our first official playable tests!

We hope you enjoyed today’s content. Thank you for being part of the ZTX community and joining us on this journey.

See you soon in ZTX.

Want to learn more about us?

  • Visit our website at ZTX.io to sign up for early Beta access
  • Do a deep dive into ZTX by reading our litepaper
  • Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates
  • Join Discord to become a part of the ZTX community



ZTX Official

Empowering creators and communities to build, play and earn. Get access at http://ZTX.io